Criti-Call dispatch test


May 21, 2010
Sacramento, CA
Driving down to San Jose to take the Criti-Call test for Palo Alto PD this coming Friday. Done a little reading on it. Only advice I've seen is to be proficient at 10-key.

I took the CA POST exam and did really well. Typing is 65 WPM net right now, but 10-key is only around 9K keystrokes/hour according to one or two quick online tests I did. Is that enough? Any advice?
I took the test in Oregon and didn't find it terribly difficult. Being proficient at 10 key is definitely going to help substantially.

They also do some memory testing where they will will give a random series of letters and numbers for you to read for like 5 seconds or so. Then it makes you wait 10 seconds and type it back in. Sounds easy but it gets difficult. Sure ABC123, is simple, but when they get into like 6F09S1E8F it can be a pain after the 10 seconds goes by to recall the right order. I think I would have benefited in knowing this ahead of time, which is why I offer it to you. :) I think a good exercise for this, especially in CA where you guys mingle letters and numbers in your license plates is just to watch and try to remember some as you are drivin' down the road.
I took the test on Saturday (thanks though!). My individual section scores looked like this (95% overall):








For some reason they didn't score the "decision making ability" section. No cutoff score specified. The 73% was where they read a phone number, make you wait a second or two, and then you type it back in. I normally am ok at that, but just totally bombed that one section. I passed either way. Having been a peace officer in CA where we mix letters and numbers (and license plates are 7 digits), I would have found that MUCH easier than 7 numbers in a row. My brain started discarding the first numbers by the time I got to the end. Wound up guessing on a few numbers here and there.

BTW-I took it for a CA agency, but did apply to Oregon State Police as well and saw they use Criti-call. Any idea if they'll accept outside agency scores?
Sadly I have absolutely no idea. I've only taken it once since I got hired with that agency. I would think it's possible tho if they do the same test types, since I think there are a handful to chose from.
pdx911 said:
Sadly I have absolutely no idea. I've only taken it once since I got hired with that agency. I would think it's possible tho if they do the same test types, since I think there are a handful to chose from.
No worries. I emailed it off to them to do as they please. If I have to retake it, oh well. Thanks.

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