Custom Build - "Inner-Liberty"/Linear 500 Inner-Edge

Zapp Brannigan

Lifetime VIP Donor
May 23, 2010
Ok, since I couldn't decide between a Liberty bar or an ILB, I decided I want to custom build a hybrid, an "Interior Liberty" (500 series). I have seen the 3 head Linear Inner Edge, but want a full sized one.

What's the better gameplan (construction AND cost-wise)? Liberty controller board with Liberty modules, or plain 500 Series heads? I would probably do an 8 head unit, 6x Linear 500s and 2x TIR6s. My thought was to start by looking for the inner mounts from a Liberty bar to house the 500 series lights, with minor customizations, and a housing just as with most ILBs. I like one of "the patterns" I have seen on Liberty bars, I don't know if it is a standard factory one, or, if "smart" heads can each be set to individual patterns to replicate it (I will attempt to find a video example posted here).

Anyone with ideas and/or thoughts, OR if you have seen or done this yourself, I would appreciate advice. Ultimately trying to keep the cost below any new mainstream unit. Very willing to employ used parts.

Thanks in advance!
xfirefighter484x said:
My thought was to start by looking for the inner mounts from a Liberty bar to house the 500 series lights, with minor customizations, and a housing just as with most ILBs.
Well, much searching yielded this Whelen P/N for one of the the items I will need. Now just where to get them?
Ya I would be interested in making one too but I would only do it if it really looked like a real lightbar. Like making a d12 instead of d8 w/ flashback shround. Would it be possible to make a metal housing that looks like it came from whelen and fill it with linears?
Whelen makes in InnerEdge that uses 500-series lightheads. They only sell them as rear-facing because all the modules point straight forward but it uses headliner mounts and has a notch for the RVM.
I was seriously thinking about doing this last night!
Even if you could make a good looking aluminum housing, you would spend more money making a custom bar than on one already manufactured. Unless you got a good wholesale deal
philyumpshus said:
Whelen makes in InnerEdge that uses 500-series lightheads. They only sell them as rear-facing because all the modules point straight forward but it uses headliner mounts and has a notch for the RVM.

Not entirely true. Whelen did make, although I don't know if they still do make an Front Facing Inner Edge with 500-series heads. Here are some pictures from a Go-Team Vehicle here in MD.

[Broken External Image]: Ford Explorer/STC GO-TEAM/GEDC0431.jpg

[Broken External Image]: Ford Explorer/STC GO-TEAM/GEDC0433.jpg

My advice is to call Whelen and inquire about the 500 series Inner Edge. They are vehicle specific, but they might be able to sell you a shroud and such without the guts... Just a thought.

Good Luck! When you get it done, make sure you post some pics!

I have one of the Inner Edges you're talking about. Unfortunately, it doesn't use Series 500 heads. Instead, it uses "dumb" Talon heads. I really wanted to refit a 500 series head into the bar as a takedown and there was not enough room for a 500 series head. IIRC, the 500 may be slightly wider and maybe taller.

If I were to buy an interior bar today, I'd lean really heavily toward the SOS offering. Their light heads are plenty bright and the heads are distributed in an arc for better dispersion.
FWIW the shroud itself from Whelen is around $160 list price. But I'm sure a dealer may be able to get one to you at a better price. Pricing parts out individually will be expensive as the companies want to discourage such custom builds in order to make it financially ridiculous vs purchasing a pre-built one.
Thanks for the replies guys. I understand that the custom build might cost more if not thought out well. I was planning to make a custom housing out of black ABS, and mount build the shroud around the snap-in clips the same as to install in this video:

Still trying to find the video I had once seen with "the flash pattern" I wanted, just am not sure whether the smart heads can be configured to do it, or if it is solely from the Liberty flasher.
FDNY 10-75 said:
I belive it is still available by special/custom order. Call Whelen!

I will at the least look into it Eli. I am just worried about 3 words: "Whelen Special/Custom Order" (ok so technically 4 words, so sue me lol).

I wonder which would be cheaper in the end. A custom fab housing, with new/used parts, or a special order from the lighting wizards.

I also just noticed, in my sleep deprived stupor, I forgot to actually paste the P/N of the item I looked up.

The P/N on the Whelen Liberty .pdf: HOUSING, LIGHTHEAD (SNAP-IN) 11-483564-000

The other item to thing about, what is cheaper, "smart" heads, or "dumb" heads with a used Liberty I/O board? I can't seem to find the one particular video from a while back that perfectly showed the pattern(s) on a liberty that I liked. I don't know if the controller was programmed to flash a certain way, or if not all lights are sync-ed up, I just cannot tell. If that be the case, I could theoretically get away with smart heads.

I THINK the pattern on the rear of this bar is what I am looking for. The main problem I've been running into this past week is I have been posting, and viewing from my cell phone, not the most ideal situation for researching things.

Going to see if I can't find a better example.
I'm attempting to build something similar so I'm following this thread with great interest... ;)

What is your plan to mount the lighthead housings to the ABS sheet? In a Libby, those housing as secured by sliding them into place. Double sided tape? If so, you may need to sand down the tabs on the non-grooved side to make the light sit flush with the flash shield.
Here's another thought Gents... why not buy an SOS Interior Pinnacle and run your Liberty IO board and remotely run all the wiring to each lighthead? THe SOS's lightheads aren't the ballast type, so you should be good... A lil xtra wiring, but you'd get a slimline unit, and get the flexibility you're looking for.

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