detroit firestorm 2010

squad 51 fan

May 24, 2010
59 twp michigan
on the afternoon of tuesday sept,7th,2010 detroit fire department had 85 structures within 4 hours, prior to the fire calls the national weather service issued a "red flag" warning at 3:00 p.m. est, the wind speeds were 25-45 m.p.h. gussing from the westnorth west, . the city of detroit 911 call center was flooded with calls. in 1 neighborhood they lose over 26 homes,

i remember the fires in 1981,1982,1983, and city residents did tuesday what the did them, they helped there neighbors and they helped firefighters, while crews worked the fires neighbors provided help in moving hose lines. bringing firefighters drinking water and thanking them for there help.
DETROIT (WXYZ) - Some of the Detroit firefighters who battled the dozens of fires that tore apart neighborhoods on Friday were back out again Thursday.

They were battling a fire at an abandoned two family home on Detroit's east side. The cause of that fire is under investigation. No one was hurt.

This new fire comes as dozens of Detroiters are still dealing with the aftermath of the fires that destroyed more than 80 homes in the city on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, Mayor Dave Bing held a news conference to address the fires that broke out in the city Tuesday afternoon. Firefighters battled at least 85 fires.


During the news conference, Mayor Bing thanked the brave men and women in the Detroit Fire Department who responded to the fires.

He also thanked units who assisted from neighboring communities. Mayor Bing expressed sympathy to those who lost their homes to the fires and called the situation a 'natural disaster.'

Detroit Fire Commissioner James Mack addressed questions from reporters who asked how all of these fires started. Commissioner Mack said the high winds and the downed wires played a major role in the outbreak of the house fires. However, he says at least two fires may have been the work of an arsonist.

Detroit's Fire Commissioner told Action News fires were burning at 85 locations between 4:00pm and 8:00pm Tuesday. No word on how many homes and buildings were destroyed. Many of the destroyed homes were abandoned. The Fire Commissioner says it was "firestorm of fires."

Several investigations remain ongoing.

Some of the worst damage is on the city's east side. At least 20 homes burned in the area of Robinwood and Van Dyke. The fire spread across the city block to Robinwood Street. Firefighters say it’s possible the blazes in this neighborhood were ignited by a faulty transformer spraying sparks. Those sparks were carried by strong winds and started fires at a number of other houses.

Folks on the block say they alerted DTE to the problem last week and nothing was done. Action News contacted DTE and they tell us they are investigating those claims.

Meanwhile, on Moenart Street and Luce Avenue near Mound and McNichols 7 homes caught fire.

An abandoned commercial building also burned near Chene and Hendrie on the city's east side.

On Detroit's west side four homes burned on Stoepel near Livernois and Margareta Avenue.

The Fire Commissioner told Action News during the height of the fires 236 firefighters were working. One firefighter was injured during the afternoon.

Strong winds are to blame for fueling many of the fires. The winds may also have prompted the flames. The Detroit Fire Department took calls on 140 wires down across the city from 8:00am to 5:00pm Tuesday.

Thousands of people are still without power because of the strong winds.

Video: ... -east-side
Damn! 85 Fires in one day. Do the firefighters get overtime for each house fire they fought after the tenth one?
mom was in detroit last weekend. i asked her "what did she do" when she came back LOL

She thought it was only 1 subdivision. I otld her it was 85 houses and she was like OMG.
thats poor performance by DTE were i work we would have had a Trouble man there that day
The best documentary coming out about Detroit is the BURN trailer.

Hopefully the City of Detroit won't squash it. Last I heard, they were rescinding a lot of PR outreach (like BURN, A&E, Cops, etc) after they shot a kid during a raid with a A&E team in tow.
Northernlights/siren said:
Wow, hellva of for urban renewal

Jim Rogers

Northern Lights/Sirens

lol we need this to happen around here.. drive thru the city's NE end and almost every other to every third house is boarded up and abonded.
My fiance goes to college in Canton. The area of the campus sometimes gives me the willies. Thats why I go armed.

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