Site News Downsizing


Site Founder
May 7, 2010
Northwest Ohio
As previously discussed in What Matters Thread the site is downsizing to be more in line with the current usage. The existing posts will remain active so they can be searched as a major function of the site is an archive of info.

Basically the site will be returning to its roots, with a few basic sections.

  • Technical Discussions
    • Modern
    • Vintage
  • For Sale/Trade/Wanted
    • For sale and Trade
    • Wanted
  • Resources
    • Feedback
    • Tech support
Prefixes will be added to help sort threads. Please ask for any prefixes (tags) you don't see.

Please start posting new threads in these sections now.

The classified now mix vintage and modern, there are prefixes to denote which type of item is being listed. All general discussions are either vintage or modern, there isn't a need for more categories.

In the future the old sections will become "auto collapsed" and older threads locked. The face of the site will be the top 3 sections. The current threads aren't moving in order to avoid breaking google results.

PM me with any permissions, location, or other issues related to the changes.

As always, thanks for your participation.

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It's come a long way, but getting back to the "original categories" is fitting.

An early animation I made that I still randomly see online sometimes....
2002 elb.png
anilogo.gifelb 2003.png
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I fondly remember your animations, and I even made a few of my own - some got pretty intricate, with them being part of a web page and each rotator being it's own animation, set at a very slightly different speed to capture the true random nature of rotators - all of which have been inspired by your work, @JohnMarcson .

@Stampeed Valkyrie , I enjoy your YouTube videos, but what's your issue with Whelen? Just curious.

Thanks! And for the record, I'm a long time member but monitor these forums mostly by email, and use the Facebook groups more frequently.
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