Dual Cannons/fusions syncing the wrong colors....

the Tasty Cat

Lurking Newbie
Jun 4, 2011
Nashville, TN
Hey all - installed dual-color Cannons a few weeks back, everything synced and worked fine. Ordered and today installed two surface-mount Fusions and two 1x Fusions. Everything is dual amber/white.

Started getting everything synced and patterned and noticed when cycling patterns that the Fusions brake-popped amber first, then white, then solid amber, then solid white. This surprised me since the Cannons hit white first, then amber. Long story short it seems that Color 1 and Color 2 are swapped between the Cannons and Fusions. Even when on the same dual-color patterns and all synced, the Fusions and Cannons give opposite colors. I called Feniex and they suggested getting everything to the same flash pattern and connecting the sync wires before powering them on; I tried that but same situation. Anybody have any ideas?
Did you order Amber white for both... Or did one set come white Amber?
you should set everything to steady burn and work it from there. If you try to set patterns with anything else conected to power, even though its off, they will do some pretty funky things... I have this happen a couple of times... It can be a pain to open everything up but its really the only option, other than having a bad light
OK - went to steady burn and cycled through all the patterns; each and every flash in every pattern was opposite colors between the Cannons and the Fusions. A/W was ordered; on the packaging, each one has a checkmark in both the "Amber" and the "White" boxes - there's nothing to indicate that one is Color 1 and one is Color 2. Does Feniex make A/W *AND* W/A?..................
You haven't set master slave mode yet....
I did set master/slave but it was difficult on the Fusions - the Cannons do it perfectly but on the Fusions instead of all LEDs or just one color, they either give one color or zero colors, then change the pattern, so I have to cycle all the way back around before continuing. It's really strange. Man, I really want to get to the bottom of this - it's amazing how a good pattern and layout can be wrecked by the wrong color with every flash!
Did you set both modes as master slave... Both modes have to be set... And one light can be set as master slave on mode one and then be slave master on mode 2
I don't think I quite understand what you mean. I know that different lights can be masters/slaves on different modes. Right now on mode 2 for instance, I've got everything flashing when it should in the pattern (correct master/slave assignments), but the Fusions are flashing the opposite color of the Cannons.
Ok let's say you gave 4 lights...

On mode one you can have them set up as


The end result would be either top pair flash against bottom pair or left vs right...

In mode 2


Youd get an x pattern but it would be Amber Amber white white


Amber white Amber white...

If you haven't gotten this figured out by tommorow, I will be in Murfreesboro part of the day, then we will he heading to oprymills afterwards.... Explaining and showing in person is easier lol
Man, that's awfully gracious of you - I may well take you up on it!

So I am definitely confused now - the way I've got the Cannons in the back working is in an x pattern - two of them fire white, then the other two fire white, then the first two fire amber, then the second two amber. So they always fire the same color at any one time, which is what I'd like to do with the Fusions as well.

I happen to have the front Fusions in a left-right pattern, but may well change it to an x pattern. There again, two fire white, then the other two fire white, then the first two fire amber, then the other two fire amber. Just can't get the Cannons and Fusions to fire the same color at the same time! Man, it's a head-scratcher!
Well issue solved at last. Dealer has been just awesome - got a tech from Feniex to call me. Long story short - Cannons are what they are and Fusions are what they are. And that is that sometimes they have opposite colors. That's basically all the explanation I got. BUT - he finally told me just to swap the green and black wires COMING OUT OF THE LIGHTHEAD, BEFORE the flasher unit, and I did, and all's well.

PSA: Even though the wires unplug about 3" away from the lighthead, do NOT try to cut/solder/heatshrink there because there's simply not enough to work with. Also, don't be surprised if you do it and nothing has changed because you reconnected green to green and black to black like you're so used to doing.

Anyway, now the colors are straightened out and it makes a MASSIVE difference. It's hard to believe how confusing and weird it was to have the cannons firing opposite colors - just so much better now. Thanks for the help, all!
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