EMT accused of ignoring dying NYC woman is killed

You beat me to it.

AP said:
NEW YORK – An emergency medical technician accused of refusing to help a dying pregnant woman while on his coffee break has been shot and killed near a New York City nightclub.

Police say Jason Green was shot in the face near Manhattan's Greenhouse club Sunday morning. Green was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital. There have been no arrests.

Green and fellow EMT Melisa Jackson had been under criminal investigation for their handling of a distressed woman at a Brooklyn bakery Dec. 9. They were in line at the bakery when 25-year-old Eutisha Rennix collapsed.

Witnesses say the EMTs told workers to call 911 and left without helping the six-months-pregnant woman, whose prematurely born baby also died.

Green and Jackson insisted they tried to get help. They were suspended without pay.

While it may seem harsh, all I could think of when I read this was "Karma".
i would like to know who did it. a passerby that recognized him? or someone looking for revenge...?

I do not recall the story about what happened exactly, but i know the gist of it.
First off, I did not know either DISPATCHER that was involved in the bakery incident, but I just want to say the media has a way of screwing things up...because of this a DISPATCHER is dead.
i completely agree with traumajunkie, no matter what , the fact is that a terrible mistake was made and changes were made, but the fact is that this dispatcher, who may have made mistakes, was hung out to dry by the media, now what happens when an emt makes a mistake with a pt and the pt dies, now everyone with an illegal gun is going out to kill the ems workers, this is not going to end well, and i feel that this problem will take a few nasty turns in its course
traumajunkie said:
First off, I did not know either DISPATCHER that was involved in the bakery incident, but I just want to say the media has a way of screwing things up...because of this a DISPATCHER is dead.

While I'm not a big fan of the media, has it been proven that this was retaliation for him leaving a woman and unborn baby to die on a coffee shop floor?

emtmike said:
i completely agree with traumajunkie, no matter what , the fact is that a terrible mistake was made and changes were made, but the fact is that this dispatcher, who may have made mistakes, was hung out to dry by the media, now what happens when an emt makes a mistake with a pt and the pt dies, now everyone with an illegal gun is going out to kill the ems workers, this is not going to end well, and i feel that this problem will take a few nasty turns in its course

This comparison is not apples to apples, in my opinion. Do EMT's treating patients make mistakes? Yes. I know I've made a few over the years. It happens. But... at least I was trying to help the patient. I just didn't tell someone to call 911 and walk away. Regardless if they were just a dispatcher, I believe they had a duty to act, if not legally - at least morally. Regardless if they had an EMT license or not... you're not going to tell me that they haven't picked up some idea of what to do working in comm center. At least THEY could have been the one to make the 911 call. I can tell you if I was the chief of the FDNY, regardless of rank or training, I would have canned both of these people as they gave the FD a huge black eye. At least make it look like you're concerned so people will think you are doing something.

The general public in my experience does not pay attention to uniforms. If it says FDNY, I'll bet they expected them to act in some way.

Again... I am in no way stating that this man deserved to die for what he did or didn't do. I am saying that karma has a way of of coming around and biting you in the butt.
It was a dispatcher? I wouldn't think I'd want a dispatcher intervening in an armed robbery or rushing into a fire, no matter how much radio traffic they've heard. That's like people who claim that we should do such and such because that's what they saw on TV.

Besides, don't most first aid programs start with the very first thing you do is call 911?
Im in that area where that happened alot. Its right outside FD HQ and dispatch. I believe they were EMTs from what Ive heard. I feel it'll end up being a retaliation and someone winds up locked up.
Stendec said:
It was a dispatcher? I wouldn't think I'd want a dispatcher intervening in an armed robbery or rushing into a fire, no matter how much radio traffic they've heard. That's like people who claim that we should do such and such because that's what they saw on TV.

Besides, don't most first aid programs start with the very first thing you do is call 911?

yes, but they DON'T say to WALK AWAY after doing so

This is the first I'm hearing of the dispatcher part, the original articles indicated they were EMT's (again, not like the media could screw something up or anything :roll: ) HOWEVER - that changes NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As noted above, they STILL should have stuck around and assisted in whatever way they WERE able - they are used to controlling emergency situations. THEY should have been the ones there and in command until the medical units arrived. THEY should have been the one to point at person A and say "Go call 911". THEY should have been the ones to point at the restaraunt owner and ask if he had a first aid kit, and tell him to bring it. THEY should have been the ones to point at person B and say "move everyone back and give me a 10 foot working space." THEY should have been the ones to point at person C and say get me something to put under her head" - or whatever the circumstances called for. Even if they were not licensed EMT's they ABOSLUTELY and UNEQUIVICALLY FAILED in their duty as trained emergency personnell and are without excuse for their actions unless there is some outstanding dire intervening situation which no one has had the time to tell us about yet ...

Stendec said:
It was a dispatcher? I wouldn't think I'd want a dispatcher intervening in an armed robbery or rushing into a fire, no matter how much radio traffic they've heard. That's like people who claim that we should do such and such because that's what they saw on TV.

Besides, don't most first aid programs start with the very first thing you do is call 911?

and to deal with your "apples to oranges" comparison ...

no, they should not intervene in an armed robbery. but they can take the lead in helping to mitigate circumstances on a small level. If they are outside and observe it, they can make sure the police get called, keeep people from going inside the building etc. If they're inside, they can help calm the other victims, or whatever the circumstances allow.

at a fire, they can keep people back. they can comfort the homeowner. they can makes sure the fire department is on the way and knows whsat's going on. they can find out if anyone is inside. They are trained emergency personnel, trained to handle emergency situations. They may not be able to mitigate the largest issues, but the CAN and SHOULD do whatever they can to make it possible for the appropriate personnel to do so.
I'm still not seeing anything about this guy being a dispatcher....

And for me... this kinda blows the whole retaliation theory out of the water.

I'm tellin' ya.... karma.
cpdchief said:
If I remember correctly, the guy was an EMT who was assigned to work dispatch that day.

IMO... that makes it worse. The guy actually was an EMT... (Not just a dispatcher as advertised) and did nothing to help this lady. :evil:
Lives were lost... that fact does not improve in the slightest if another life is lost. May the shooter receive a long prison sentence to contemplate his (her) total stupidity.

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