Equipment pacement ideas...


May 21, 2010
Queen Creek, AZ
I just purshacsed an '01 Chevy Silverado with a center console. I am looking for thoughts and ideas on where to place my equipment. I currently have a Untrol Touchmaster siren and a kenwood TK 7180 radio that would need to find homes.

One option would be to replace the touchmaster with a handheld light/siren controler. Another option would be to somehow remove part of the stock console that holds the cassett player with an aftermark equipment console.

Here are some photos of what I got and what I am working with. Thanks in advance for your help.

Outside front.JPG[/attachment:1m57fthc]

Interior console.JPG[/attachment:1m57fthc]

Outside front.JPG

Interior console.JPG
Jotto used to make a console for the tahoe/silverado... I checked their website, and it's no longer listed, but keep your eyes peeled, they are around... I'm sure someone will be along shortly with some pictures.

I lied on my radio... I have a TK-7160

Here is my plan (I think?!).

I am going to remove the tape player.

Order GM part #15759805 (replacement upper console bezel).

Widen the opening where the now blank cassett player is.

Order Jotto faceplate (or any sold piece faceplate) for TK-7160

Mount the radio to the faceplate, and into the vertical section of the upper console.

I just worry about attaching the faceplate directly to the vertical plastic. I may have use large flat fashers behind the faceplate to spread out the weight. Since this truck will go over washboard roads, vibration may also be a problem...

well its an idea anyways..
My truck had the same factory console. I removed the entire thing and bolted in a havis 30 inch consolidator console with the rear pocket. It works and looks much cleaner.
Here's the console I have that Jotto no longer makes...


The one they make noe is a single plane version...
Havis also makes a console for it but the only problem is that you would lose your cup holders.

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