B bobbyaa Junior Member Member May 22, 2010 50 0 40 DFW, TX Jan 13, 2011 #1 Does anyone know if the 911EP LS12 or Code 3 Predators are able to be used externally on a vehicle?
9 911 Forum Guru New Member May 22, 2010 3,834 5 New York City Jan 13, 2011 #2 the ls12 can be used on the exterior, never new code 3 made a predator, but if you are asking about sound off, i think they make 2 models interior and exterior
the ls12 can be used on the exterior, never new code 3 made a predator, but if you are asking about sound off, i think they make 2 models interior and exterior
B bobbyaa Junior Member Member May 22, 2010 50 0 40 DFW, TX Jan 13, 2011 #3 Sorry it was sound off...I had code 3 on my brain!
Newberry13 Senior Member Member May 21, 2010 613 8 SC, USA Jan 13, 2011 #4 This is the type of predator that can be used outside: http://www.soundoffsignal.com/warnamber/ddg/p2/EP2SGS1%28x%29.jpg If this is what you're talking about: http://www.soundoffsignal.com/warnamber/windshield_visor/P2/EP2SWSA+%28x%29.jpg It can only be mounted inside.
This is the type of predator that can be used outside: http://www.soundoffsignal.com/warnamber/ddg/p2/EP2SGS1%28x%29.jpg If this is what you're talking about: http://www.soundoffsignal.com/warnamber/windshield_visor/P2/EP2SWSA+%28x%29.jpg It can only be mounted inside.