Federal Signal Raydian Lightbar issues

Station 3

Forum Guru
May 21, 2010
Edinburg Texas
My patrol car came equiped with a Federal Signal Raydian the type with the halogen flashers and also it has Solaris LEDs in the front and in the rear and CUDAS in the corners. It has one amber SOLARIS moduel completly burned out "does not turn on" and also next to that moduel it has a SOLARIS RED moduel that is burned out Half Way.

My question is how hard is it to replace those heads? Is it even possible to just remove them and plug in a new one?

I have 2 other bars identical to this one at the constables office in storage but i want to do a quick fix dont want to actually replace the whole bar just the defective heads themselfs.


lotsofbars said:
What the hell happened to your Tahoe?!

I moved on with my life and got a REAL JOB as a deputy constable with a take home unit and pay upgrade.
Station 3 said:
I moved on with my life and got a REAL JOB as a deputy constable with a take home unit and pay upgrade.

Sweet. If that's a take home car, give it some good grill lights.
You have to remove the endcaps (2 phillips screws on top of each), then remove the plate behind the endcap. You should be able to slide the modules out of the end. Try to avoid removing the top (accomplished by pushing out the nylon dowel). If you can get the modules out from the end, its easy. There is a red plug that connects to each module.
Ok guys got it fixed thanks for the help.

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