Federal Signal Vista

Rotator speeds? How clear are the domes? How long is the cable? Rotator bars in general go for $50-$200 depending on condition & features.
They are going to be given to me for some work i did on a vehicle. The domes are hazy, but tey can be sanded out.. center fast rotator, rest are reg speed. Im just trying to see what i can get out of them.. when i get them!
Change in info..

Outer: reg speed

next in: fast speed

center: mirror with power supply

lower: intersections, 2 rear strobes, signal master, alley lights, takedowns, 2 FRONT STROBES.
Also full length signalmaster, power and ground cable. with Signalmaster comtroller.. domes polished... What should i start my asking price at? As im not familiar with Fed-sig AT ALL.. im an MX/Excal guy!

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