for sale question

What is it your trying to sell?

If it doesn't fit into one of the Classified's forums, I would put it up for sale in the off-topic forum or Ebay.
in the past i thought the only thing you cannot sell here is any kind of firearms,ammo,actually most weapons in general and any life saftey equipment
software is a no-no.

Just look at the forum descriptions on the main page. If the item meets one of those categories, post it there. If not, off topic or fleabay it goes...
Don't post software, opticoms, weapons, or ammo (and maybe ballistic armor) for certain. Use good judgment on other items, especially questionable ones like I mentioned, and you should be OK.
There are no posted rules that I have seen.

I remember the last board, the only restriction was "nothing that requires a prescription"
Strange, I was not getting email replys so I thought this was a dead thread.

I was looking for thr "rules" of for sale offered.
So, can we sell an Opticom here? I just had my *-bay listing pulled, but others have sold emitters on the bay. Is it some type of selective enforcment on their part? I'm not sure what is worse: having an item I cant use, or selling an item that is "restricted" :? .
k-9 police xj said:
So, can we sell an Opticom here? I just had my *-bay listing pulled, but others have sold emitters on the bay. Is it some type of selective enforcment on their part? I'm not sure what is worse: having an item I cant use, or selling an item that is "restricted" :? .

according to the nothing that requires a script as the seller would need to make sure that the person buying it is who they say they are, and are authorized to use it.
kinnelonfire75 said:
according to the nothing that requires a script as the seller would need to make sure that the person buying it is who they say they are, and are authorized to use it.

Maybe thats why *-Bay pulled it...the end user most likely wouldnt be authorized to use it. So I guess the question is how to know. Is it customary to ask for deprtment letter head when selling this type of thing? Thoughts?

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