Forums- Does Anyone Know?


Junior Member
May 23, 2010
Usa NY
Hi just wanted to know if anyone knows of any other Police\Fire\Ems\Plow forums or blogs please post them here.

Thanks in Advance,

Rofocowboy84 said:
Why would a dedicated member of this forum give you a list of it's competitors? Does this one not live up to your standards?

Did you ever think for a second maybe he wants one that is dedicated to the services and not emergency lights?
Rofocowboy84 said:
Why would a dedicated member of this forum give you a list of it's competitors?

A provider of similar services need not be considered a "competitor," - they are simply a provider of similar services - and being a "dedicated member" has nothing to do with anything. There are no allegiances required here. Plenty of folks here provide the names of various suppliers and providers of services who are not members of this forum. Elightbars is a forum of products and services, not the exclusive supplier of everything.
I don't consider another emergency forum a competitor.... this is a very specific site and is not a one stop shop for all emergency info.
Ben E. said:
Police/Fire/EMS/Plow LOL way to lump those together.
When its said this way, I think elightbars is the ONLY site that caters to all the above..

Well other than gas (fuel) companies, and fleet services.. :lol:

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