Freightliner Wrecker


May 20, 2010
Portage, MI
After not being particularly pleased with the rear warning on my wrecker, I decided to buy something new to add a little more lighting. That something is a Whelen strobe traffic adviser made out of 8 600-series strobes.

It started out at 83" long, which was a little too long for my needs. I cut it down to around 60" to match the lightbar. I decided to just power it using two power supplies, instead of screwing around trying to get actual traffic adviser patterns. I used Tomar and Nova power supplies.

Overall setup:

-2 Tomar 200s High-Power to the rear

-1 Strobe traffic to the rear

-1 Whelen Towman's Edge (4 Strobe)

-2 Red Rect25 High-power to the sides (1 on each side of the lightbar pylon)

-2 Red Tomar Rect37 I-LED on the grille

-2 Red Whelen TIR3 on the grille (Will likely be relocated to the side of the hood to provide more side warning)







In addition, I'll include pictures of a couple other of our trucks.

Here is one of our rollbacks:

It has a Code 3 2100 and 2 Tomar Rect25 High-power in the grille (Red/Amber)


Here is our accident-response/motorcycle trailer. It has 4 Sho-me 3x4's on the side, one in each corner. Also, there are 4 Sho-me slimlights, one on each rear corner and two to the rear. Finally, there is a Sho-me traffic adviser.


We carry drums and a pump for unloading fuel out of damaged semis/other heavy vehicles in the trailer. In addition, we will often put large pieces of debris from crashes into the trailer to haul back to the dumpster.
Looks good. Glad you guys take care of your equipment. I drove a wrecker for three years and the company couldn't care less how the trucks were falling apart. I rebuilt the 60" MX-7000 three times after it fell off the truck.
I've seen that first wrecker with all the lights on a few and it looks great except the grill lights. I don't like the red and (personally) don't think wreckers should be running red, especially when moving. Other then that, nice equipment.
emtmike said:
why red on the front of a wrecker??

I would guess it is because that is the law in the state in which he lives. Not at all uncommon. I can think more then a few states like that but that really isn't the topic of this tread.
Thats ok in Missouri i have seen wreckers with red,blue,clear and amber in the lightbars. I worked two wrecks today where the wreckers were running red and blues.

Red is legal for wreckers in Michigan, but we only run it when stationary. The DOT wants us to have all warning lights off once we leave the scene, with only tow lights on the disabled vehicle.
Virginia doesn't technically allow red lights on tow trucks but many wreckers cheat the law and use red stop/tail/turn lights, which with the 4-way flashers, act as red flashing lights in back. I disapprove, but it's not my problem.
nerdly_dood said:
Virginia doesn't technically allow red lights on tow trucks but many wreckers cheat the law and use red stop/tail/turn lights, which with the 4-way flashers, act as red flashing lights in back. I disapprove, but it's not my problem.

Umm, that not really "cheating the law" that is the color they are supposed to be.
That's a good-looking 1016! I ran the independent version for 4 years. Great unit for sure! We need a video of that strobe traffic director on the back!!!
Hmm, I'm interested in seeing the effectiveness of strobes in a TA. Personally, I prefer slower flash patterns on LED TAs, where the lightbar progressively fills up (unlike the "chaser" TA patterns).

I am glad to hear that you will be moving the TIR3 to the sides, but I think you should upgrade to something larger. Personally, I think all wreckers and flatbeds can benefit from having side lighting in the front hood/fender area & something in the area above the rear wheel well, since it's pretty common for wreckers to be parked at some angle on the side of the road (& to have a brighter footprint outlining the whole length of the truck in addition to standard marking lights & DOT tape
Dang, this is an old thread. I forgot all about it.

This truck no longer has the Edge or the strobe T/A on it anymore. It now has a custom Sound-Off ETL5000.

This is the first generation bar, as it was struck by lightning and fried a little while back. Luckily, we had built another one that went on the truck shortly thereafter.
Still any plans to move the TIR3's? They look kinda awk above the 37's there, IMO.

Not a huge fan of the LB patterns and color; I think it needs to be slowed down, have the lightheads have a more uniform-appearing sync, & have a lot more amber...while I understand that some states permit red, it looks bizarre to have a setup that is virtually all-red on a wrecker
way toooooo much red for me.

Its not a fire truck
steve a said:
Thats ok in Missouri i have seen wreckers with red,blue,clear and amber in the lightbars. I worked two wrecks today where the wreckers were running red and blues.


Cam said:
I would guess it is because that is the law in the state in which he lives. Not at all uncommon. I can think more then a few states like that but that really isn't the topic of this tread.

Tow trucks are considered emergency vehicles and can also operate a siren in MO. If LE is on scene anyways.

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