GoLight - Gobee

I have one, but not on a company ride nor anything I drive at high speed. I'm really pleased with the performance for the cost. The magnet seems no weaker than any other, and it has stayed attached on some rough forest roads. It won't rotate past 360 and there is no return to a parking location, but at that price point i still think it's an excellent value. It lives in my POV.

I figured that they would come out with a LED model as soon as i got mine, but that will up the price into their full-performance line. For open country - plains, deserts and mountains, it is probably a little weak, but for urban, suburban or multiple generation forests with a lot of understory I'd consider it adequate, certainly enough for routine tasks like spotting house numbers or checking power lines.

I haven't tried the ultimate test of a spotlight - whether it will turn a streetlight off.
I'm not sure why this was moved. I'm not trying to sell anything.

I checked with the company and the Gobee was tested to speeds at 75 mph with no problems. But it can be ordered with 3 extra magnets. I have ordered the light and will try it out.
flagstaff said:
I'm not sure why this was moved. I'm not trying to sell anything.
According to the logs this was never moved- I'd hazard a guess you created it in this sub forum.

Moved to visual anyways.
I have a couple of the original style Go-lights with the rectangular heads that are mounted in the large white plastic housing with a carrying handle on them, but they are remote versions and no remote controller came with either of them. I picked them up in a contractor's surplus auction, and thought it would be a simple process to make them work using other types of controls or switches but I haven't been able to do that. Anybody know any tricks to use so I can make these things work? They won;t even light up, much less move. PS I can't afford to get two new controllers from the manufacturer @ $75 bucks a pop.

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