grille lights


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May 23, 2010
i have an 03 explorer, my primary is a whelen talon b/w mounted on the center of the dash.

its time for grille lights

im down to the 2 whelen lin6s in b/w

or 2 whelen 500 series linears in b/w

what would be better? going by videos online the 500s look brighter, but my buddy says that lin6 will be more direct and have more punch than 500s will be spread out.

ive never seen either first hand.

what do you guys think?
Id go for the Linz6's. Smaller footprint but they might appear brighter. They have the same amount of LED's as the 500 series lin6 in a more condensed area.
Do yo mean LINZ6? Lin6 and 500 series linear LED are the same thing.
I like linz 6's they are way brite.I have a set in my 9m edge bar along with linz 3's in the front. Them two toghter are very bright :D
i prefer 500 series, but hey maybe i am biased, since i do use them nearly on a daily basis as grille lights. don't get a split lighthead though, get one blue, one white, not 2 b/w's.
Thanks guys

Just wanted to specifiy I will be doing these inside the grille.

Id like to see a video comparing the two lights if anyone knows where I could see one.

I like the "punch" of the LINZ, but I like the larger size of the 500s
I thought someone on the old board said that if u were going to use linz grille lights they peform better on the outside of the grille instead of the inside.Maybe i'm wrong on that though
Well I think all lights perform better on the outside, I just prefer all of my lights to be unnoticable to the untrained eye
They are both linear lights so location will be the same rule of thumb for both. As for the output... I've never compared the two. Go for whichever one YOU like better, get a better deal on, etc. I think the LINZ6s will be easier to mount for you.
I would go with Tomar Rect25's if you have the money. The cost around $150 each and in High Power they have 12 LED's each. If you dont have the money I like the LinZ6 I have 6 on my car. They are very bright and easy to mount . You dont have to buy a seprate flange like he 500 series.
Here is what I did with my 2004 Explorer...

I used Soundoff Led3 minis in the top slat...they slide right in...



I think the linear lights would be a waste behind the grille. A tir style light would give you more punch head on. The linear light will lose a m ajority of it's off axis effectiveness when mounted behind the grille,IMO. As you see in the pic below, they are just as visible, if not more visible, than the led3 minis...

I had single level linear 400's behind the grille and I was not that happy with them...


I have 4 LINZ6 behind the grille. I have no problems with them behind the grille. They're just as bright as the TIR3s that were there prior to the TIR6s mounted on the exterior of the grille (didn't like, look gawdy). There's even some off axis because of the shape of my grille and how close to the grille they are.


Grille close.JPG
i personally prefer the larger footprint of the lin6 (as opposed to the linZ6). Also, I personally hate split lightheads and think that 1 blue and 1 clear would be better!

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