Help with my Edge 9000


Veteran Member
May 20, 2010
Santa Rosa, California
I have an 8 strobe Whelen Edge 9000. Everything works but the corner strobes. Alleys, takedowns, rear flashers, inner strobes (front and back), all work, but not the corner strobes. Any ideas?
I am assuming you have tried every possible combination of wires? How about insuring that they are plug in correctly to the internal power pack? Not sure but is there any fuses internally? Also I know on mine the hot wire for the inner strobes and the hot wire for outer strobes was 2 different wires(solid red and believe red with white stripe) same with grounds check that also. hope this gives you someplace to start
I checked the fuses in the bar, those are all fine, and the fuse on the power supply is fine. After I put everything back I turned it on and noticed smoke coming out of the bar, so I opened it up and it looked like it was coming from the back power supply, but im not 100% sure
Then your PS is most likely shot... Once you release the majical blue smoke, electronics never seem to work again... LOL How old is the bar...?
Since you have a 2 PS bar, most likely the one PS powers the 4 corners and the other PS powers the 4 inners... Just to thoroughly check, switch the outputs of the 2 PS's... If you switch them and the opposite set of strobes fire then the ps is shot, but if the same set of strobes fire, then the other strobe heads are shot... It's highly unlikely that you have 4 strobes out, but it it possible... But since you stated that the bar was smoking, I would still assume that the one PS is now shot...

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