how to make a control box for a whelen edge


May 31, 2010
youngstown, ohio
I have a 60" lightbar that i bought from and i need to make a control box for it, but what i need is a fused box that has 1 main power supply and all the switches are fed off of that but all fused, and then i can run my cable into the box thats connected to my lightbar. i'm suffering from a serious lack of power right now and the only way to rectify it is to wire the bar properly. Anyways, i hope i was clear on what i need can anyone point me in the direction i can find this or does anyone have suggestions of what else will work? I have the whole thing planned out in my head its just difficult to explain it typing so hopefully i didn't confuse anyone. Thanks Don
what model post some pics of the bar

you may be better off paying an installer to instal it
its already installed i just need to do something different with the wiring and make a control box. Surely if i've gone this far i can finish it. i'm not going to pay someone when its a simple task, wiring is one of my best areas, i just needed a little insight where to find the control box i'm looking for. I'll figure it out, thanks for the info. Oh and its a Whelen 60 edge 9000.
Does it have....

2 cables 1 thick 2 conductor & 1 thin 17 condutor

1 cable with 4 ground wires in it (black, black/yellow, black/green, black/white)

2 cables 1 thick 2 conductor & one skinny 2 conductor (blue & grey wires) B-link style))

I know there are a few other cable configurations for older bars.

A whelen 60 edge 9000 doesn't mean much.

Is this a tow truck lightbar (has S/T/T lights)?

Pic's would help too :mrgreen:
I have a 9000 edge with the 4 corner strobes, 4 inner strobes, 4 flashers, and 2 alleys all wired up to a Galls Nine-Function Switch Box with Three-Position Slide Switch and have never had an issue it is a hundred dollar switch box but gives you an idea of what will work
I have a Whelen 9622 12-strobe Edge... Its a low current bar though... Meaning that it has 2 main power and 2 main ground wires, i believe they are both 10ga. And it has a separate 20-22ga wire to control all functions (3 different strobe configurations, take downs, left and right alley, rear flashers, rear work lights) and I have all this run through a Galls XL400 digital switchbox... The pursuit switch controles the strobes functions, and I have the alleys, take-downs, and rear flashers hooked up to separate switches... I dodn't need a switchbox of this caliber to run this set-up, but it's the one that I had, and it's an awesome switchbox...

Your decision really hinges on what type of bar you have, a "direct wire" bar or a "low current" bar...

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