How to NOT "upgrade" your Edge

May 21, 2010
Berlin, MI, 48002
Not complaining here - just sharing pics of an older J-tube Edge bar I took apart. I got the bar free from our site founder (thanks John! :cool: ) & this is NOT any of his doing.

Other people's "modifications" sometimes scare me:

nmedge1.JPG[/attachment:23h4ndv4]Here's a wiring disaster....

nmedge4.JPG[/attachment:23h4ndv4]Broken parts were UPS's fault, but, how the hell do you get tree parts & what appears to be a peach pit INSIDE a lightbar? :eek:

nmedge6.JPG[/attachment:23h4ndv4]Ground wires all over everywhere & in a common ground color... :roll:

nmedge3.JPG[/attachment:23h4ndv4]Yup. Someone hacked in 1156 bulbs in place of standard Edge halogen modules. & no, a few of them were not even straight. The plastic modules were held to the other plastic stuff with drywall screws...of course...

nmedge5.JPG[/attachment:23h4ndv4]& how did they get the 1156's to work? Simple. Just cut off the connectors & whip out the soldering iron!

Needless to say, the bar is stripped down to almost nothing - haven't taken the rest of the corners out yet. & it will be an updated & better working 52" bar when I'm done with it.





That would actually make a very good repair project. I guess the original user is lucky the bar did not catch fire while he was using it.
I'm surprised somebody kept the "hot" & "ground" yellow wires straight...

If it were a 48" bar I'd put it in the pile for some other day, but 52's aren't so easy to find.

Plans so far are:

4, 6, or 8 strobes - haven't decided

EB6 or SL6 PS's...haven't decided

New / like new lenses & endcaps (leaning towards amber for ebaying)

New cable

Combo reflectors (re-lampable linear corners/ twistlock / twistlock)...not my favorite, but, my only matching set.
This is an edge I gave him for free when he stopped by... I knew it was messed up.... hence the free... but that's worse than I thought.

When are we going to discuss the cool stuff you got? lol
LOL ok, ok, the Tomar 925 is pretty badass! Even the all sweep mini Intensity is pretty cool. But those weren't hacked in any way. This Edge I knew was hacked; just didn't think it was this bad either, but, oh well! I don't mind fixing stuff at ALL. :cool:

JohnMarcson said:
This is an edge I gave him for free when he stopped by... I knew it was messed up.... hence the free... but that's worse than I thought.

When are we going to discuss the cool stuff you got? lol

Haven't checked out the 537 yet; I think I have a few floating around.
Well...I said I would fix the bar & I did.

Power supply was replaced & a second one added (has a 4 head Whelen & a Whelen 2X6).

J-tube assemblies & bulb holders etc were all replaced with combo housings.

Currently has 8 strobes (4 linear, 4 helix), 2 front flashers & 2 rear w/Tridon flasher.

Mounting feet were added, about 15 ft. of new heavy duty cable.

New front/rear amber lenses (9M style) along with 9M style centers are used.

I think it turned out OK!

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Mike, do you still have the used pair of Edge 9M amber endcaps you got off the board a couple of months ago? If so, please PM me a price for both if you want to sell them.
I actually just used them today to finish up a mini-Edge I'll be selling soon...

03crownvic said:
Mike, do you still have the used pair of Edge 9M amber endcaps you got off the board a couple of months ago? If so, please PM me a price for both if you want to sell them.
Christ sake Mike, looks like a goofy fucker from Brighton, MI put it together for a demo

for the Michigan state police to look at for their future vehicles :roll:

Jim Rogers

Northern Lights/Sirens

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