Hypothetical Unitrol Splice


May 27, 2010
Memphis, TN
I have several Unitrol 80K amps and an UM90 5000 series control head.

Hypothetically, do you think the contol to amp cable for the 5000 controller to could be cut to expose the wires and be wired to control the appropriate functions on 80K amps.

I know the UM90 offers more functions, but I get the 80K functions to work through the 5000controller? Basically, wail, yelp, and airhorn.

It seems theoretically possible, but am interested in your thoughts before I start cutting cables. Maybe someone has already tried it.

167 said:
I have several Unitrol 80K amps and an UM90 5000 series control head.

Hypothetically, do you think the contol to amp cable for the 5000 controller to could be cut to expose the wires and be wired to control the appropriate functions on 80K amps.

I know the UM90 offers more functions, but I get the 80K functions to work through the 5000controller? Basically, wail, yelp, and airhorn.

It seems theoretically possible, but am interested in your thoughts before I start cutting cables. Maybe someone has already tried it.


Maybe. Read this:


I searched prior to posting and didn't see anything specific to what I was asking about.

The thread you referenced includes posts on making a custom controller for an Omega amp. That is not what I was asking.

I know Sean makes custom cables - what about is Sean? Is it possible? Can you make a cable for it? I also need whatever cable is required for dual 80K amp use.
167 said:

I searched prior to posting and didn't see anything specific to what I was asking about.

The thread you referenced includes posts on making a custom controller for an Omega amp. That is not what I was asking.

I know Sean makes custom cables - what about is Sean? Is it possible? Can you make a cable for it? I also need whatever cable is required for dual 80K amp use.

I know what you are asking. My theory is the Omega 5000 controller should be the same pinout style to control an 80K amp as an Omega 90, since the triggers are just 12 volts. No different than supplying your own switches with 12 volt triggers.

My suggestion was to read the pinout colors and of the harness/cable in the old post and understand what you will want to use from your Omega 5000 controller to your 80K amp. You said you wanted basically wail, yelp and air horn from your 80K right?

From the CUT Omega5000 control cable to the 80K,:

Orange to pin 7 (orange) on 80K = wail

Red to pin 12 (white/orange) on 80K = yelp

Brown to yellow on power plug on 80K = A/H

Blue to pin 10 (blue) on 80K = CHC Hi/Lo

White to pin 3 (white) on 80K = MAN

Now for a dual 80K amp setup, all bets are off as they require different cables and wiring depending on the 180K, 280K and 480K controller, and I'm not sure how 2 80Ks would function from an Omega5000 controller.
Thanks for the info Cajun!

For the purpose of dual amps, I wonder what would happen if I tied in to two of them individually?

For example:

Orange wire to pin 7 on amp (1) and amp (2). I may have to try this just to see what happens!! Hopefully nothing burns up....

Sean, if you see this, can you make an open ended cable on one end and a 5000 plug in on the other?
Yes, I can make a cable for it, for both 80k amps as well.

Just let me know what amp(s) you'd like to use, what functions you're looking to control, and what controls you plan to connect it to.

What would cables run (ballpark) to use dual 80K amps from an Omega 5000 control head? I would like to control as many functions as possible. I thought the 80K amps pretty much only had wail, yelp, and airhorn. I need to look and see how long the cables will have to be. I have an F350 and space behind and under the dash is limited. I may have to mount the amps under one of the seats.

Thanks. Sorry for the confusion earlier.
I know it's off topic, but is there a way to disable the SS2000 tones and have them run into a unitrol amp?? I love the SS switches, but hate the sounds, love the Unitrol tones but want something a little nicer for my car.

I just picked up an Omega 90 amp and would be interested in a custom cable set up as well. I'm looking to run one switch that does on/off/on for wail/off/yelp and a second momentary for sweep (wail/futura/ultra hilo from wail and yelp/futura/ultra hilo from yelp). Is this possible?
Making the cable is going to be easy for him. However, the Omega 90 amplifier would have to be modified if you wanted the sweep tones do be different based on the position of the switch on/off/on switch.
EMSChief1 said:

I just picked up an Omega 90 amp and would be interested in a custom cable set up as well. I'm looking to run one switch that does on/off/on for wail/off/yelp and a second momentary for sweep (wail/futura/ultra hilo from wail and yelp/futura/ultra hilo from yelp). Is this possible?

Yup. You could wire the momentary switch to ground with the other connected to the manual wire of the harness.

He is talking about a way to change the sweep tones:

  • to "wail/futura/ultra hilo" when the momentary button is pressed while in wail
    to "yelp/futura/ultra hilo" when the momentary button is pressed while in yelp

I thought that the Omega 90 amplifier would have to be modified in such a way that the toggle switch worked in place to the dip switches for the wail and yelp tones.

Does the Omega 90 really change the sweep tones to include the currently running tone by using ground to trigger the sweep instead of +12v DC?

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