i need help from the whelen edge gods!!

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May 22, 2010
indiana, USA
ok i have a edge 9004 i want to put in the guts from a newer one i have all the guts i think todo so. i have the halogen board and strobe board. the controller is a pcds-9 i have pics but its not letting me post here so i can email them if you can help me. looking at the back left to right theres a 9 pin wire harnees whats that for , in the center there is a phone jack looking plug where does that go? and then theres a plug with blue,gray,red,black,and green what are those for? and i have the strobe board where does all this plug into at? help???!!!! please ill explian in detail more if need be pics are avail that would be great!
The phone plug to controller sounds like the old Ohio highway patrol bar. Custom made for them as I recall. Not sure about alternative wiring. I knew some guys who bought these bars without controllers and had a hard time using them because they were custom configured.
The Edge 9004 could very well be a bar from Ohio, I don't know. I am the one who sold it to Adam, and I got it from a private party in Butler, Indiana. For those not familiar with its location, Butler, Indiana, is so close to the border that it could almost be called Butler, Ohio.
yea i like the bar but i wasnt able to find a good power supply to put back in it but i found a wire set up from another bar to throw in it to use the eb6 power supply! shues once again man thanks! i found out my 52 series strobes were junk so im on the hunt for replace ments.
If I remember right, you just need to power on the red/black wires from the pcds-9. I re-wired a few bars last year w/the pcds-9 boards & all of that fun shit & don't recall using the 9 pin plug & I'm sure I didn't use the phone-type cable/plug.
User amccullers had a bunch of 52 series strobes that he replaced with some 700 series that I sold him. Maybe amccullers has some 52 series strobes left.
ok cool ill get ahold of them then! charger thanks ill git that a shot im just wondering about the 9 pin wish someone could tell me! i still cant find squat.
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