

New Member
Apr 8, 2024
Hello, Guys!

Long time lurker, first time poster. I've been an emergency vehicle lighting aficionado since I can remember. Rotating lights are my absolute favorite. I have a small collection of lights, some of them are vintage and have been restored to their former glory by yours truly. Looking forward to learning more about American beacons and lightbars - especially those from Federal Signal - and to meeting you all. Cheers!
Hi again,

I keep getting "you have insufficient privileges to reply here" message when trying to reply to threads. Could someone please let me know why? I've tried to PM a moderator about it but I can't seem to do that either.
. Could someone please let me know why? I've tried to PM a moderator about it but I can't seem to do that either.
"you have insufficient privileges to reply here" Means that you are trying to post in the old threads of the forum that have been archived for viewing only. We condensed the forum down for ease of use moving forward. You are free to view the old threads, but if you need assistance with the same topic we ask that you create a NEW thread.

As for the PM issue, you do not have enough posts made to the forum to initiate a PM with members. This is an anti-spam measure.

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