Judge blocks FDNY hiring, says test is invalid

I mean no offense here, and I apologize if it comes off that way, but is this judge basically saying "it's not fair to expect blacks and Hispanics to score as well as whites" on these tests? If an African American or Hispanic guy scored better than me on my entrance exam, I'd expect him to be hired before me. Apparently it's prejudice if the lame logic applies to non-minorities?
I am so fucking sick of this shit. I don't give a flying fuck what color someone is... i want the people that can do the job.
JohnMarcson said:
I am so fucking sick of this shit. I don't give a flying fuck what color someone is... i want the people that can do the job.


I know a PD here in Ohio who set up another test because the NAACP urged the city to hire more minorities. About a handful of blacks showed up for the 2nd test. BIG FAIL! If they wanted to test, they would test the first time.
I think us "crackers" need to start claiming racial profiling when this crap happens, as they're prejudicial against whites.

I've said it, and I'll keep saying it, if you're white and have balls, you're now the minority.

Friggen PC.
Funny thing is...... all the people of other races I have worked with did just fine on their own w/o any extra help. Being able to do the job is a pretty major issue in public safety.... and I want the best people of any color
JohnMarcson said:
... and I want the best people of any color

And that's the key point in all this that these goobers are failing to recognize. Do you want someone who isn't up to par protecting your ass, or.... moreso,.... the publics?

To quote Will Smith... "the best of the best of the best........ sir......... with honors...!!!" :D
How can a race as a group claim that the test is unfair? IIRC the SAT is based on english/math right?

Where are the statistics that say that blacks and/or hispanics are worse at math or english than whites? All of these people had the same education offered to them. Some decided to grasp onto it. The others thought it was a waste of time. Like rwo978 said, I personally don't care if your black, white, hispanic, or even pink. If are fully qualified in the field without any exceptions made (like this garbage), then i will gladly go running into a burning building with you.
sbparkcop said:
but is this judge basically saying "it's not fair to expect blacks and Hispanics to score as well as whites" on these tests

YES THAT'S WHAT IT'S SAYING. FUCKIN BULLSHIT. Sorry for the caps but showing the anger. If you want the job that bad you will pass the damn test regardless of what color you are. The color of your skin doesn't depict how stupid or smart you are. They are forcing these people to take a job that they really don't have the real desire for and the job is becoming shit.

I took that test in 07 and they were yelling at us walking in that we were late. It was 1045 and the test was at 1100. 1105 and you weren't allowed to enter. Well long story short, we sat in an auditorium for 2 HOURS, finally a 2 buses pull up out front. They were bright red FDNY school buses, and about 100 black applicants poured out. They got to the auditorium, sat down, and they handed out test room numbers and the test started. Then the PM test was delayed 2 hours as well. They were also recruiting in mostly black area malls, like the military. Approaching people and stating "If you sign up today, we'll waive the application/test/physical fee." Keep in mind I paid the $50 test fee and if I got called for the physical I would pay the $50 for that too.
Also, it really is a bullshit test for the most part. Not very difficult at all.

Questions like: A hose has 60lbs of pressure, which gauge portrays that? And they show 4 gauges, 2 reading a number other then 60, and 1 reading 60PSI and one reading 60Inches or something rediculous.

However part of it is psychologically based which is bullshit. For example: Answer with Strongly agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree. "The Sky is Blue" If majority of the answers received were "Strongly Disagree" and you chose Strongly Agree you get 0 points. There were questions on it, however, that people from different areas might answer differently. And a lot of people lost points because of this.
Sorry to go on... but this really pisses me off..... but what a lot of people don't know is it also really pisses off "minorities" (a few that I knew) that are good at the job. Imagine being a 1st class firefighter, medic or cop and having people think you got their based on race. This shit isn't fair to EVERYONE, including the races of people they are "helping".
And yet, this keeps popping up over and over and over again.

Yet, I thought 'affirmative action' was illegal. So, WTF do you call this?
No offense to anyone but noone deserves extra points on a civil exam or any testing other than a military veteran. i am also tired of seeing all the good people getting passed up for jobs due to the race card,either you can do the job or you cannot. if your purple and can do the job so be it as long as your testing,etc match up wiith no extra credit over the next person applying.
TCO said:
No offense to anyone but noone deserves extra points on a civil exam or any testing other than a military veteran.
Not trying to be a jerk or put down what our military guys and gals do, but I do not think they deserve extra points either. Because somebody was in the military does that make them a better firefighter then somebody who is say already a certified firefighter and paramedic? In theory, if anything, shouldn't someone who is already certified in whatever state to the levels that are needed be a better candidate for the job? That would be saving a city money by not having to train somebody else.

Again, I think our military is great and they have made it so I can do a lot of things, but that does not give them a better chance at a job vs someone who is already trained in my opinion.
I agree with you Matt. Its a nice idea, but doesn't benefit anyone. If the military guy doesn't know what he/she is doing, they are going to get themselves and others hurt.
Boss, I think the New Haven 20 case is much different (however very similar at the same time). Those guys are already on the job and were going for promotions. In the FDNY case the guys (and maybe gals) aren't on the job and are trying to get hired. They should form a class action law suit and get this shit settled once and for all. I want the best guy/gal backin me up on the line there is! Not some POS that is only there for a paycheck.
I disagree with the veteran's point system also, for a lot of the same reasons, but I'm also convinced that it wasn't really designed to assist vets - instead it boosts the chances of hiring someone who is already used to working in a similar command structure and following orders without putting much thought into it. It was always more of a benefit to the brass and agency overhead, and less so to the vets themselves. A tracked vehicle mechanic or logistics inventory specialist may not make a better cop or firefighter, but they are used to being told what to do and don't often ask why.

As the military culture changes due to decision making taking place at lower levels in modern unconventional warfighting, I'll bet that civil agency bosses are finding that vets aren't quite as malleable as they were a couple decades ago.
NY also has "legacy" credits as well. This gives points to immediate family members of those killed on 9/11. It was mainly applied after 9/11 since a lot of family members of emergency workers' now had an interest to follow in their relatives footsteps.
Chasselber1 said:
Boss, I think the New Haven 20 case is much different (however very similar at the same time). Those guys are already on the job and were going for promotions. In the FDNY case the guys (and maybe gals) aren't on the job and are trying to get hired. They should form a class action law suit and get this shit settled once and for all. I want the best guy/gal backin me up on the line there is! Not some POS that is only there for a paycheck.
Yes I understand that. I just hope that these folks have enough balls to file a class action lawsuit and a get a good lawyer

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