LA Co. Fire/Sheriff lightbars and sirens being Srcapped

So, the "terrorists" cant buy old used lights and sirens, But they can buy All new stuff from Galls? eBay? Anywhere else on the internet?


Makes sense.

7d9_z28 said:
So, the "terrorists" cant buy old used lights and sirens, But they can buy All new stuff from Galls? eBay? Anywhere else on the internet?


Makes sense.


NY is a backwards liberal beaurocratic state with a bunch of jackasses running it. They probably just throw out all their old stuff ,not just lightbars, because they wont get the new budget$ for the next year if they dont spend for new things and keep flushing money down the toilet. I think if someone where to commit a terriost act , they woudlnt mock up a cop car going through all that trouble getting the equipment...they woudl just STEAL a real one...much easier....
Growing up in neighboring Brooklyn, I went as kid to a few of the auctions, they were awesome and yes you could by an entire fire engine or nypd police car. They really were alot of fun!
Thank the lawyers. I can easily understand a large entity avoiding any legal issues with the disposal of potentially abused equipment. Ranks right up there with the old practice of auctioning off firearms, which many LE agencys did in days gone by. In the current times, nothing like that is going to happen. We currently cut all firearms into pieces with a torch, and then to the landfill.

patrol530 said:
Thank the lawyers. I can easily understand a large entity avoiding any legal issues with the disposal of potentially abused equipment. Ranks right up there with the old practice of auctioning off firearms, which many LE agencys did in days gone by. In the current times, nothing like that is going to happen. We currently cut all firearms into pieces with a torch, and then to the landfill.

Heres the auction yard on kent avenue...around 98-2000 or so

the police car at the door with the older graphics is a prop car they made up to keep out thiefs

And the bronco is the auctioners car that they conduct the bidding from




i love the way they say its because of 9-11 when you can buy all the new lights that they use now cheap on the internet its the old ones we want STOP KILLING THE OLD LIGHTS i mean who the hell is going to stop for a cop car with an 888 on the roof
unlisted said:
Sounds like someone here needs to open up a scrap hauling business... :p

I would gladly invest in such company!!

;) :bonk:
Just for people in New York the Auction yard is still at Kent Ave and Washington Ave in Brooklyn.
AerodyMANIAC said:
The last year must have been around 99-01 where they stopped the aution on kent avenue. They even had the nypd SS sirens and you can get 10 for 200 with the controlpanel and box. They had a semi truck cargo container in that lot in the back stacked up to the roof of thousand ss sirens. I bought a lot of 10 lightbars a long time ago and sold them on ebay to make some extra cash. They even had the transit police advantaged bars and all light jetsonics, they had the cushman scooter turet lights on the top too that were clear dome with red clear bulbs, and mini jetsonics , school safety ones also andmore and i even got a rare bar that was a TRAFFIC one. The old commerical enforcment brown vans from the 80s the traffic cops would drive with . It was a aerodynic all red sealed beams rotating bar with those large mirrors.Too bad i got rid of it. I spoke with a guy who works there and told me that they just destroy the lightbars.

i'll take you back even to the late 80s to early 90s like 91 or so . Before they moved to kent avenue the auction was a shea stadium area under the elevated trains by main street where all the wrecking yards are now. The place was called FEDERAL MUNICIPLITES or something??? I dont remember i was like 12 yrs old orsomething...In 90 or so i bought a lot of 6 bars (3 were housing pd streethawks and 3 were nypd aerod) 60$ total. I believe that was the lot that they auctioned off the housing grand fury cars and some other junk. It was funny i remember looking in the grills of the grand furys and they were taking out the flashing lights in the aerodynics and using them in their grill with the sealed beam and the holders for them...soo cheesey Alot of those cars had the lollipop deck lights hooked up to their turn signals was a 80s PD thing.

years after that i vacationed to LA and on craigslist i found a lightbar for sale 30 ...guy didnt know what it was.

I get there and its a smith and wesson bar california style red with steadyburn and blue with a clear takedown cuttout and rear amber flashers and alleys....the idiot i am , i sold it for 100 $

Up to the end of the M-body era, we used Signal-Stat/Dietz/Grote grey lollilop lights as deck stop and turn signals, there was a factory or dealer installed toggle switch on the lower dash that I believe was a cutoff switch, either the dealer or the 'New Car Section' would shear off the toggle stem. Those same lights were also mounted under the trunk lid as alternating lights whenever the trunk was open. Those lights were also recycled as grill lights in select vehicles, usually HWY Patrol and ESU unmarkeds and ranking Boss's unmarkeds. My first "steady" RMP was a GMC Sierra 4x4, I mounted 4 of those lights in the grill and a Unitrol headlight flasher with quick disconnects to remove it whenever the RMP went to the shop for service.
Up to the end of the M-body era, we used Signal-Stat/Dietz/Grote grey lollilop lights as deck stop and turn signals, there was a factory or dealer installed toggle switch on the lower dash that I believe was a cutoff switch, either the dealer or the 'New Car Section' would shear off the toggle stem. Those same lights were also mounted under the trunk lid as alternating lights whenever the trunk was open. Those lights were also recycled as grill lights in select vehicles, usually HWY Patrol and ESU unmarkeds and ranking Boss's unmarkeds. My first "steady" RMP was a GMC Sierra 4x4, I mounted 4 of those lights in the grill and a Unitrol headlight flasher with quick disconnects to remove it whenever the RMP went to the shop for service.

NYC back inthe 80s had the "artistic creative lighting monopoly "

The best i seen with them was a EMS Boxey Caprice with 2 fireball w/mirror on each side of deck with 2 amber mcdermott chrome bezel flashers(like theones they used on FDNY old suburbans on the rear roofs

Thos were the damn days. :)
Yeah, EMS was very fond of those McDermott lights, there was a series of ambulances that used them as rear box lights.

Speaking of those mirrored fireballs, on my own 1990 Crown Vic POV/volly Chief's car (1990-1995)- I had 2 pancake 5-0 lights in my rear deck filtered amber and red, one was wired reverse-polarity so they would both rotate in an inside-out pattern.
7d9_z28 said:
So, the "terrorists" cant buy old used lights and sirens, But they can buy All new stuff from Galls? eBay? Anywhere else on the internet?


Makes sense.


Maybe they think the terrorists don't have enough cash to buy from Galls and they figure by eliminating the possibility of them saving some cash by going to an auction, they are deterring terrorism. Sounds like a good politically correct excuse. lol
Yeah, EMS was very fond of those McDermott lights, there was a series of ambulances that used them as rear box lights.
Speaking of those mirrored fireballs, on my own 1990 Crown Vic POV/volly Chief's car (1990-1995)- I had 2 pancake 5-0 lights in my rear deck filtered amber and red, one was wired reverse-polarity so they would both rotate in an inside-out pattern.

nice , i never know you can put filters on pancakes. I recently saw one on Hunter the tv show on his car...he also was running a whelen responder (the old skool one with the chrome base) i think its called?

HIghway nypd used 2 red/white dashlasers on their rear decks back when the boxy caprices where the thing...i liked that setip
The Five-0 light:

The lens was an inner and outer clear plastic strip that sandwiched in a strip(s) of theatrical colored filters, you could completely customize the color combination using different pieces of colored filter. Basically, it was a low-profile DashLaser M with more color capability.
The Five-0 light:

Thanks , very nice my brother. Im not a fan of pancakes with mirrors but that is damn official lol

whne you said pancake before the first thing that came to my mind was the pancake that Smith and wesson i belive made back in the day(with the chrome base on it) I loved that one. And its funny cause i saw it on Erik estradas dash when he was driving in Chips his brown thunderbird chasing someone. Flashback lol

Im not too educated on the light business so bear with me...its new to me but i do remember unique lights when i was a kid lol
denko3 said:
yes,is it possible to get anywhere a CHP vision lightbar with their GE control?

I know this is kind of an old thread...

What is the GE control?

I bought what I believe is a CHP vision lightbar (it's at least a vision [RBCRCBR] with a SignalMaster) and a Fed Sig controller. Most everything works on it, for $80. I just can't get the signal master to work.


got it off of craigslist from the child of a collector who passed away a while ago. How can I tell if it's a CHP?
J-fro said:
I know this is kind of an old thread...

What is the GE control?

I bought what I believe is a CHP vision lightbar (it's at least a vision [RBCRCBR] with a SignalMaster) and a Fed Sig controller. Most everything works on it, for $80. I just can't get the signal master to work.


got it off of craigslist from the child of a collector who passed away a while ago. How can I tell if it's a CHP?
Why you couldnt just of started a new thread with your question should be the first thing answered! why revive and old thread to ask a question not related to it? GE typically stands for General Electric, you probably need the signal master control box. looks like this!$T2eC16FHJGIE9nnWprlcBQDM4JBt-w~~60_3.jpg
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AerodyMANIAC said:
Thanks , very nice my brother. Im not a fan of pancakes with mirrors but that is damn official lol

whne you said pancake before the first thing that came to my mind was the pancake that Smith and wesson i belive made back in the day(with the chrome base on it) I loved that one. And its funny cause i saw it on Erik estradas dash when he was driving in Chips his brown thunderbird chasing someone. Flashback lol

Im not too educated on the light business so bear with me...its new to me but i do remember unique lights when i was a kid lol

Here ya go. Doesnt really show much of the base.

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Hoser said:
Here ya go. Doesnt really show much of the base.

Hoser, aerodyMANIAC was suspended some time ago.... Thankfully :D
"Homeland Security" is just a convent excuse. Nothing more.
Ahhhh sorry, I got excited.

I always gotta be cautious when starting new threads, there's always the guys screaming "Search!" when all found there is nothing but the address next door to the place I'm looking for kinda deal.

But I'll give 'er a shot. haha

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