LAPD can lights in Massachusetts


May 21, 2010
Carver, Mass.
I've been waiting for these babies for a long time now.

I spotted these on top of a 1974 International brushbreaker about two years ago, when we were on a mutual aid call to a nearby town.

I spoke to the chief of that town and told him about my collection, and how I would REALLY like these lights when the truck was put out of service.

Well... Yesterday I got the call.

"Hey Bob, we just replaced that old brushbreaker, if you still want those lights, come and get 'em."

These are in really nice shape, the chrome needs to be redone, and one has a very small dent.

But, they are real, honest to god, Trio model T2 can lights with mounts. And they were free!!! Oh yeah, the Unity light was in the middle of them.




Sorry about the bad pictures, but my camera ran away from home when I moved last April. All I have is my cell phone untill my cheap-ass girlfriend buys me another camera. (hint, hint, Kim)
You suck Bob! You just keep falling into it! :)

It was worth the wait.....
I remember you mentioning this before!

Can't wait until you get a new camera!
:lol: :lol:
Pimp said:
I remember you mentioning this before!

Can't wait until you get a new girlfriend!
:lol: :lol:

there fixed it for you. I know if i call my GF a cheap ass id be needing a new one.
Nice score Bob! It's nice to be in the right place at the right time when a rare opportunity comes along. Of course, on the flip side, many elightbars members now hate you....

Were Trio lights originally available in either chrome or black, and if so, was it an extra cost option to have a chrome finish? If chrome was the only option, did LAPD paint their housings black or were they special ordered? Just curious, because the Louisiana State Police used to use Jabsco remote can type spotlights in chrome, which are very similar to Trios. The spotlights were mounted on top of the metal speaker housings on the various lightbars they used from the late 60s until well into the 80s. In the mid 80s, they started painting them black, along with the speaker housings on their Whelen 8029 strobe bars, to try to be a bit stealthy so sunlight wouldn't reflect. They retired them altogether in the early 90s when they went to Tomar 925 Jetstrobe style bars with center domes instead of speaker housings. After seeing these Trios in chrome, the LAPD black Trio lights reminded me of that.

I've got several chrome and black Jabsco spotlights that I picked up at the state auction several years ago, along with several empty chrome housings they kept for spares. I wonder if those housings can be modified a bit on the enclosed end to accept a retaining ring and bulb in an attempt to fashion a homebrew Trio light? The bulb side of a Jabsco spotlight housing is identical to a Trio, even down to the retaining ring.

It might be interesting to find I'm off to the lab!
Hey Bob, that is a super nice addition to your collection. It's great that the department let you have em! Can't wait to see them all redone, although right now they look really nice.
03crownvic said:
Were Trio lights originally available in either chrome or black, and if so, was it an extra cost option to have a chrome finish? If chrome was the only option, did LAPD paint their housings black or were they special ordered?

I was told once by the son of the owner of Trio Sales that the T-2 was made in black, white, red and green. He had worked in the factory.

The chrome housing is probably on special order.
I know that Signal Stat offered them in white as their model 672, back in the 70's & 80's.

They were also used on the Sig-Stat NYPD roof bars along with two #374 beacons and a 333 or 331 white speaker.

This is the only chrome set that I have ever seen, and I think I will restore them and have them rechromed.

Oh wait! The Cox Adam-12 car from the 70's had chrome T2's on the roof. :D
Bob - either you give me the lights, or I'll tell your girlfriend what you said about her. Oh, forget it...all that will accomplish is that she'll buy you a new camera. I just can't win, and you can't lose! Why don't you mount them (temporarily) on the roof of your vehicle, and I'll stop by and "see" them.
OK, here ya go!!

These are not the chrome ones, but they look great on my ex Carver cruiser.

The one on the drivers side is an older S&M lamp co. model 757. predecessor to the Trio T2. It is ex LAPD 2 over 693


CFD125 said:
OK, here ya go!!

These are not the chrome ones, but they look great on my ex Carver cruiser.

The one on the drivers side is an older S&M lamp co. model 757. predecessor to the Trio T2. It is ex LAPD 2 over 693





I would appreciate if someone would post the legnth and width of the can light. Also, a picture of the retaining ring. It looks like i am going to fabricate my own since they are few and far between. Thank You in advance.
willieboy said:
I would appreciate if someone would post the legnth and width of the can light. Also, a picture of the retaining ring. It looks like i am going to fabricate my own since they are few and far between. Thank You in advance.

The retaining rings look very similar to those on Dietz single faced lights like the 9-51. Start with a pair of those and that will give you the correct diameter. You may have to eyeball the length of the cylinder but it shouldn't be too hard to get it close enough to look right.
CFD125 said:
I've been waiting for these babies for a long time now.

I spotted these on top of a 1974 International brushbreaker about two years ago, when we were on a mutual aid call to a nearby town.

I spoke to the chief of that town and told him about my collection, and how I would REALLY like these lights when the truck was put out of service.

Well... Yesterday I got the call.

"Hey Bob, we just replaced that old brushbreaker, if you still want those lights, come and get 'em."

These are in really nice shape, the chrome needs to be redone, and one has a very small dent.

But, they are real, honest to god, Trio model T2 can lights with mounts. And they were free!!! Oh yeah, the Unity light was in the middle of them.




Sorry about the bad pictures, but my camera ran away from home when I moved last April. All I have is my cell phone untill my cheap-ass girlfriend buys me another camera. (hint, hint, Kim)

Very, very nice. I've never seen the T2s in chrome: just the plain ol' Adam-12 black. I won a pair of them at a PCS meet in SoCal in 2001. Couldn't bring 'em back on the plane, so a friend (and I use the term loosely) offered to bring them to me on his next trip to Texas. That was '01 and I haven't seen them yet. Almost won a Super Chief at that meet, too.

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