Lawrenceville DUI slick tops with mobile spike strips


Veteran Member
May 20, 2010
These are not my pics, I found them on a SO's facebook page and thought I would share.





First, some very nice Chargers there :drooling: , now on to my questions, do they have a lot of drunk drivers there?, and are those same drunk drivers trying to always out run the cops?
Mobile spikes...? How the hell do they operate? I'm assuming they are used at chase speeds alongside the suspects vehicle?
jws926 said:
First, some very nice Chargers there :drooling: , now on to my questions, do they have a lot of drunk drivers there?, and are those same drunk drivers trying to always out run the cops?

Yeah, they do. There are in Gwinnett county, just outside of Atlanta. They have at least one interstate and a ton of highways. They have had a DUI task force for several years and are top notch. Also, a lot of the drunks will try to get away by getting lost in the Atlanta traffic, so they want to stop them ASAP. Gwinnett County Police is one of the few departments that uses PIT.
FUCK it must suck to be those Officers DUIs suck ass i could just imagine doing all that paperwork all day!
Station 3 said:
FUCK it must suck to be those Officers DUIs suck ass i could just imagine doing all that paperwork all day!

I love DUI's. Most Georgia DUI officers can be totally done in less then 90 minutes [traffic stop, SFST, Intox, cites, booking paperwork, ALS form, and report as long as it's not an accident or DUI-drugs, you just have to multi task (cites while waiting on wrecker, booking paper work, cites, and ALS while warming up the intox)]. I hate getting dope because you have to test it, log it into evidence, wait for lab results, and if it's more then misd marijuana, it goes to state court. Here, that means you are going to have to take warrants, wait for trial dates (usually multiple) and wait for it to get plead down and all the money goes to the state instead of the city.
If you are close enough to "deploy" or attempt to deploy those spikes, you might as well just PIT/TVI the car.
Hollywood said:
If you are close enough to "deploy" or attempt to deploy those spikes, you might as well just PIT/TVI the car.

A lot of departments do not allow PITting because of a safety risk they pose. Newer style spikes are safer because of the gradual deflation that occurs rather then a blowout.
Ohio State Highway Patrol did away with the pit around 1992(ish).

I like this device a heck of a lot better than trying to get in front of the pursuit and drag the spike across the road as the suspect passes. I've seen a lot of failed attempts where the suspect missed the spikes.
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lafd55 said:
A lot of departments do not allow PITting because of a safety risk they pose. Newer style spikes are safer because of the gradual deflation that occurs rather then a blowout.

Bummer. It's been a great tool for use here. Reach the level of Felony Eluding... it's TVI time once you find the clear spot. Oklahoma City doesn't TVI (but does use Stop Sticks) and their pursuits seem to last forever. Once OHP or another TVI agency take over, typically resolved in less than five minutes. Beats having to stand in the road or pull right up along side the vehicle you're chasing which poses its own officer safety issues.
Hell. We have a department up here that has policies against chasing...
In Georgia, only troopers are PIT 'trained', others can be 'familiarized'. I only know of two non-state departments that train all their officers in it, while others may not dis-allow it, but doesn't encourage it.
lafd55 said:
A lot of departments do not allow PITting because of a safety risk they pose. Newer style spikes are safer because of the gradual deflation that occurs rather then a blowout.

Very interesting. Seems like it would also be safer because there isn't an officer out in the road throwing spikes out.
I love the whole slick top look.
theroofable said:
Thats an interesting device. I want to see it in action for real. :thumbsup:

get drunk, elude the cops in atlanta and dont stop!

RL1 said:
In Georgia, only troopers are PIT 'trained', others can be 'familiarized'. I only know of two non-state departments that train all their officers in it, while others may not dis-allow it, but doesn't encourage it.

I disagree. I know of several agencies that have PIT instructors and hold several training events annually.

MY agency allows the PIT, Chases anyone that runs unless its too dangerous or until one of us runs out of gas. We also utilize Stop Sticks. So far, so good.

It must suck to work for an agency that doesnt trust the officers enough to pursure violators. Lame.
11b101abn said:
I disagree. I know of several agencies that have PIT instructors and hold several training events annually.

MY agency allows the PIT, Chases anyone that runs unless its too dangerous or until one of us runs out of gas. We also utilize Stop Sticks. So far, so good.

It must suck to work for an agency that doesnt trust the officers enough to pursure violators. Lame.

My bad, I was basing my statement on what a LT told me when I asked to go to PIT training at FLETC and from talking to others in the region. I know Port Wentworth and Gwinnett County use PIT, and so does Darien now that I think about it. I guess the south east is different from the rest of the state when it comes to that. Nearly all of us can chase for felonies and most will let you chase for anything. My old dept was if they run, we follow and we had spikes, while my current PD is felonies only (it's funny because we are a uni pd yet have a more relaxed policy then the city we are in) and we are allowed to spike, though we don't have any...
11b101abn said:
It must suck to work for an agency that doesnt trust the officers enough to pursure violators. Lame.

I dont know about other areas, but in NYC they dont allow chases not because they dont trust the officers but because they dont trust the felons!

Any chase I've EVER heard over pd that lasted more than a couple of blocks involved a crash, either by a department vehicle or the perp's vehicle, or both. Every single one. The streets aren't wide enough to even think about a PIT. And I'm pretty sure if the NYPD chases a vehicle which then runs over multiple civilians or something the dept. is responsible.
dovy6 said:
And I'm pretty sure if the NYPD chases a vehicle which then runs over multiple civilians or something the dept. is responsible.

Actually bad guy is responsible. Same for if the officer crashes and gets killed, the bad guy get charged with murder.

PD WILL be sued though...
RL1 said:
Actually bad guy is responsible. Same for if the officer crashes and gets killed, the bad guy get charged with murder.

PD WILL be sued though...

Yeah, that's kinda what I meant. I'm no lawyer...
Or just put an OnStar type kill switch in the car, lol. Does anyone have stories of real life stories relating to that?
They put the mobile spikes to keep the cars pretty. A PIT will always cause a little damage to the LE vehicle (usually minor body/paint damage). If I drove one of those bad-ass Chargers, I sure as hell wouldn't want to PIT someone, knowing my car would be OOS for a few days at the body shop.
What about the dashlights ?

They look like the (now terminated?) dual Talon which could flash "SHERIFF" or something like that, don't they ?
Did Galls even stop carrying the Talon? It's not on their website. I think those message Talons are pretty cool but need to be installed in just the right place to look good, I think they look good there.
opskmallory said:
They put the mobile spikes to keep the cars pretty. A PIT will always cause a little damage to the LE vehicle (usually minor body/paint damage). If I drove one of those bad-ass Chargers, I sure as hell wouldn't want to PIT someone, knowing my car would be OOS for a few days at the body shop.

Not "always," I would say the great majority of the time the only "damage" to our cars is usually fixed by simply buffing it out.
lafd55 said:
Did Galls even stop carrying the Talon? It's not on their website. I think those message Talons are pretty cool but need to be installed in just the right place to look good, I think they look good there.

Talons have been gone for more than a year, replaced by the Avenger.

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