I am sure its been discussed ad nausem on this board already, but I am having a miserable time with the search feature on this new board. I search Whelen universal law, it just searchs for law. I search SOS hideaway, I get no returns. I search sound off signal hideaway, it searches for sound hideaway.....
I am considering switching to LED hideaways. My department is installing Whelen Universal hideaways on new vehicles and they are awesome.... but not worth ditching a perfectly good strobe system and spending over $400 for. I've heard the Vertex's aren't quite bright enough to catch attention when responding code 3. I am interested in the Sound Off Signal led hideaways, but the only video's I see aren't in a housing or are at night. Anything looks bright in pitch black, so those video's aren't helpful. I need to see how the LED's work in a light housing, so the bare light video's aren't helpful. I've heard snippets here and there about the Axixtech led hideaway's as well.
What are people running in their vehicles, are they satisfied, and how do they work compared to a clear strobe tube? If you have daytime video, hopefully from at least 10 or 20 feet away, could you post some video's please? I know the Whelen LAW's are adequete substitutes for strobes, but they are cost prohibitive for me at this point.
I am considering switching to LED hideaways. My department is installing Whelen Universal hideaways on new vehicles and they are awesome.... but not worth ditching a perfectly good strobe system and spending over $400 for. I've heard the Vertex's aren't quite bright enough to catch attention when responding code 3. I am interested in the Sound Off Signal led hideaways, but the only video's I see aren't in a housing or are at night. Anything looks bright in pitch black, so those video's aren't helpful. I need to see how the LED's work in a light housing, so the bare light video's aren't helpful. I've heard snippets here and there about the Axixtech led hideaway's as well.
What are people running in their vehicles, are they satisfied, and how do they work compared to a clear strobe tube? If you have daytime video, hopefully from at least 10 or 20 feet away, could you post some video's please? I know the Whelen LAW's are adequete substitutes for strobes, but they are cost prohibitive for me at this point.