LED Survivors

I wouldn't use any other light on my coat. I replaced all the halogen survivors with LED about a year ago. The only con that I've noticed is If you get alot of water on them, the lens falls out. $10 fix to get a new lens assbly. Highly reccomended. Also for a helmet light. The Streamlight Vantage is incredible!!!!!

I've used led surivor lights in the past but ive found out that there not as bright for long distance shot's..Thats just my 2 cents but i have a fox fury command series helmet light and that light totally kicks ass.. Well thats all i got for now hope this helps...
I use one on my gear with my paid dept. Light output is good IMO. But, I've had to return mine due to having difficulty turning it on. It came back, and I STILL have issues with it, despite Streamlight replacing the switch (dunno if it's the battery tray, connections on the inside or what). So, kinda ticks me off that Streamlight sends it back and yet I essentially have the same problem, though it may be something different causing it.
I have had both.. my dept first issued us the halogen survivors with the smoke cutter lenses. Then we purchased all LED survivors.. Well after a few fires I traded my LED back in for a halogen model.

The LED last alot longer than the halogen version and was very bright but after about 6 fires I wanted my Halogen back because #1- when I was inside a burning home/business and had my LED survivor on all it done was illuminate the smoke right in front of me making it harder to see/notice anything.#2 Also it gave off kindoff a blue tint so when I was inside looking for people whom may have been burnt in the fire it just looks different when you are looking at black burnt rubble with a blue tint or the clear halogen (as in if i see a body or anything for that fact i can notice it better with my halogen model). Every bit of smoke in a structure illuminates with that LED but the halogen survivor does a REALLY nice job cutting through the smoke. The downfall is the battery life between the 2, you dont have to charge that LED version near like you do that halogen. BUT all in all im back to hanging the halogen off my bunker coat and turned my LED in.

now if your going to be a yard breather / go get it boy, or a pump operator I say the LED.

Hope this helps a little...
Well I have a Led version with a batterypack and and older halogen version that takes AA batteries. I am in a volunteer dept and I have gear at my station and at HQ for hazmat I keep the LED on my haz mat gear and the halogen on my primary gear. Love both of them
I am something of a flashlight fanatic, and I have pretty much tried them all.

The Big Ed (Pelican) light is not bad (halogen)

The Streamlight Survivor, Halogen (or Xenon, or Kripton, or whatever they call it) Smokecutter is, in my opinion, absolutley the best flashlight ever sold for use in a smoke filled environment. I have also tried the LED version, and yes it does offer some benefits, but if you're doing a search or on an attack line, all you see is a big blob of blinding purple-blue light reflected back at you. Can't see a thing. The halogen bulb really cuts through it better.

Now for overhaul, or for a vehicle extrication, or other activity the LED works well.

And yes, the Vantage C4 helmet light is brighter than holy hell, but still doesn't cut the smoke.

I have my trusty Streamlight Old School on my coat, and a Vantage on my helmet. Best of bost worlds. (By the way, at night blood looks really,,,,,wierd under the Vantage. If your working on a patient. And your buddies will all hate you, because when you turn to talk to them you burn their eyes right out of the sockets)

I got my Streamlight LED Survivor on Friday, but didn't get to it until today. This is the second time I've had to return it, and they ended up replacing the on/off switch again and also replaced the light housing. I'm at least glad Streamlight is honoring the warranty.

Since I'm a driver/operator, I don't get to use it much as far as attack goes, unless we're going to another district and we're given an assignment (usually playing RIT since we're the only ones that have that EQ right now). Taking into account what some of the other guys have said about the halogen being more effective for smoke filled environments, I may go to halogen or at least get a halogen model for my vollie dept (where I have a higher chance of making entry vs. being stuck at the pump or RIT standby like at work).
we had a good working fire yesterday and the guys with the LEDs were fussing while looking for a victim and I was moving right along with my old halogen back! :D
ok opinion time...if i may interject into the conversation. Halogen fire vulcan or led?

I have a halogen firebox (litebox w/ blue tail lights) but it is heavier than i like. I played with the halogen vulcan today at the store and i liked it, but i did not get a chance to play with the LED version. Same deal? halogen is cutting through better?

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