Lets see 'em


Veteran Member
May 20, 2010
If you're a cop, put up a pic of your duty belt, firefighters, you're helmets, strippers...well, you can just PM me ;) :lol:

Anyway, let's see some of the tools of your trade, whatever that may be.

Here is my current belt set up. Before you ask, the radio is on the charger and we are not allowed OC.


Mic box, ASP, radio spot, Streamlight, mag light ring, gloves, double cuffs, G22 in ALS holster, spare mags. Going to be interesting when I add an M26 in a little bit.
I dont carry an ASP i got my left and right foot LAW and Order ;) :lol:
My tool of the trade... :roll: :(

Still hoping this will change some day after some persistence, but hey if not, I got a good job at least!


TASER X-26, keeper, OC (MK-IV), radio, streamlight DS LED, bikini holster/ASP hinged, keeper, keeper, strap/ASP chain, ASP baton, Glock 19/Xiphos light/SERPA III holster, keeper, mags. Wow, crappy picture, but I was too lazy to get my camera out, so phone it was.

I've been thinking about getting another bikini holster for my chain cuffs, I like the quickness of the strap, but it's not like it's that much faster than any other type of holster. I also like how it keeps the cuffs off my back when I sit, but I don't like how they click when I walk. Also been thinking about ditching the streamlight DS and getting a ThruNite Catapult (1000 lumens!)
These are my tools of the trade;

Computer Picture 1


Computer Picture 2 also has the mic set up.


Radio 1 (800mhz Digital)


Radio 2 (VHF)


Page System (Disptach for two municipal EMS and back-up for the county)

Also a dispatch phone used for two way radio type talk.


And finally, Radio 3 (Life Flight aviation radio)


Comments or quetions let 'em fly. :)
hey fluffy, that looks like rite cad (or however you spell it). i use the same program. how do u like it? does yours have the Air add on installed?

also in pic 4 .. is that a kenwood? how old is that thing???
ohi007 said:
hey fluffy, that looks like rite cad (or however you spell it). i use the same program. how do u like it? does yours have the Air add on installed?
also in pic 4 .. is that a kenwood? how old is that thing???

This one is called RescueNet. Might be the same program under a different name? I like the program but there is better out IMHO. But it's a whole hell of a lot better than what we used to have to do. Write it on paper then write it in the computer; Every single radio transmision. :lol: It does have the ability to have air on it, but since we have no use for it it is not install/enabled.

Picture 4 is a Motorola something something something... :) I have no clue as it is ANCIENT! LOL
ok, yeah, rescueNet (our IT guy calles it Rite CAD, maybe a parent co) made by Zoll. we have the option for the air, but also not installed. would like to find somebody that has the air installed to see how it works.

we have it set up on 3 - 17" screens, about to upgrade to 19"screens.

ill try to snap some pics and upload them tonight.
ohi007 said:
ok, yeah, rescueNet (our IT guy calles it Rite CAD, maybe a parent co) made by Zoll. we have the option for the air, but also not installed. would like to find somebody that has the air installed to see how it works.
we have it set up on 3 - 17" screens, about to upgrade to 19"screens.

ill try to snap some pics and upload them tonight.

Cool. I am a Disptach Coordinator with the company (fancy title) and also do the billing part of the program which is just as easy as the disptach. So I mean all in all it's a good program.
ok i guess its my time to share. i actually work 2 jobs, 5 days a week (sometimes more) i do 911 dispatch for an EMS company. we are spread out through the state with stations in Ohio in Salem, Alliance, Massillon, Canton, Carrollton, Cadiz, Bethesda, and Bellaire. in West Virginia in Wheeling and Moundsville.

NOTE most of these pics were taken with the blackberry so please excuse the clarity and quality of pics. thanks

front door


dispatch 1 and wide view of room. can have up to 4 dispatchers on at a time.


dispatch 2 (over looks disp 1)


Radio Console


One Touch. click the button that matches the unit you want and tones drop. kinda cool.


the CAD. Computer Aided Dispatch


the phone


the radio console in the background. the goose neck mic is tied into that. the other phone looking thing and desk mic

are a Zetron Nextel base unit. we use Nextel A LOT for dispatch and sensitive info. we also have a hand held Nextel that is a back

up to this base unit, and we have 2 Alltel two way radio phones that we use in some areas that a Nextel wont work.


our office also does a non emergency answering service for about 50 clients. we do things like towing companies,

heating and cooling companies, plumbing companies, even a couple dr offices. this screen is a caller ID screen for this service.

it will show what line, what account number, and how the customer wants their phone answered.


Dispatch 1 and dispatch 2 do all of the 911 dispatching. there is always somebody at these 2 seats. the other 2 seats (1 directly behind dispatch one facing each other, and the other in the corner beside dispatch 2) do most of the answering service duties. the one across from dispatch 1 is manned 12 hrs a day m-f and the corner seat is only used when training or have a 4th dispatcher on.

WHEW, hope this post isnt too long, if it is i'm sorry.

like I said, that is the full time job. on my off time i put in time with the 2nd job.

first 2 pics are of the belt with goodies both in and out.

left to right : Mag pouch with 2 9mm mags and under Armour gloves -- HT1250 UHF radio with shoulder mic and ear bud -- flash light (used to carry stinger, found this LED light at a hardware store and traded up. want an LED stinger eventually) -- Smith & Wesson Chained handcuffs x2 -- OC Spray -- 26" ASP -- Smith & Wesson Sigma SW9VE 9mm -- key holder.



these 2 pics are the same as the first 2 but with the flash on so the reflective tape shows up. :cool:



ok now that i have taken up 10 min of your life (lol) what do u think?
Really cool man. PM inbound.
ohi007 said:
ok now that i have taken up 10 min of your life (lol) what do u think?
Not sure how I feel about the reflective tape on everything. Definitely a unique idea. Why did you choose to do that? Has it ever backfired?
Do you also dispatch for the S.O. or just jail traffic?
At our dispatch center no one has to do dispatching and call taking at the same time. I don't know how unique this is but I haven't really seen it much at other places so I thought that was kind of lucky. When I took this last night I was at a call taking position, then I went home, next time I work I'll grab a pic of the dispatch position. Dispatch is essentially the same setup except for 2 extra monitors, one is the centracom radio panel, and 1 is a status screen for the units in the area we cover.

[Broken External Image]:http://files.bourdosoft.com/pictures/elb/work.gif
RolnCode3 said:
Not sure how I feel about the reflective tape on everything. Definitely a unique idea. Why did you choose to do that? Has it ever backfired?
not really sure what you mean by backfiring, but the tape is great if you are out at night, especially if you are doing a traffic detail. also, if you go into a dark room, say a night club, for a fight or something, the tape allows you to ge easily seen by another officer.
ohi007 said:
not really sure what you mean by backfiring, but the tape is great if you are out at night, especially if you are doing a traffic detail. also, if you go into a dark room, say a night club, for a fight or something, the tape allows you to ge easily seen by another officer.

Backfire as in, you're trying to hide out in the dark watching someone and they stare directly at you and go "Hey Police with the bright reflective tape over there!"
lol. no havent had that happen yet. it usually only reflects if the light directly hits it.
pdx911 said:
At our dispatch center no one has to do dispatching and call taking at the same time. I don't know how unique this is but I haven't really seen it much at other places so I thought that was kind of lucky.

Actually, I have found this to be very common, especially in the bigger area's with multiple units to track. I would prefer this over anything else to be honest. I have to call take and dispatch but I am only doing it for 2 units at least and the ability for another 2. We are just a very small ambulance company so we really don't need it. :lol:
RolnCode3 said:
Not sure how I feel about the reflective tape on everything. Definitely a unique idea. Why did you choose to do that? Has it ever backfired?

If it hasn't, it will.

I'm all for high-vis jackets and stuff, and sort of like the way that they are the default in places like Europe. But they are easy to take off or cover up, I'm not so sure about reflective tape. If you want the same effect, but in a easy to put on / take off mode, get a military PT belt or check out a runner's supply place, they have all sorts of reflective stuff, and some with active LED or luminescent light sources. I'm still not certain that I'd want to walk into a dark bar or someplace with a conveniently mounted handle for anyone who wanted to grab me, so I'd replace the buckles with something that would break away.

I use to carry strips of electrical tape on a pocket-sized piece of plastic that I could peel off and cover over my nameplate and shield. The less glint the better on stuff like building and woods searches.
ohi007 said:

Is it just me? I have been told that you should keep the back of the belt clear - so if you fall on your back, you won't injure your spine.

I do keep the back of my belt clear, mostly because I wouldn't be able to sit in a car with a handcuff case pressing against my back.
Mine. Mostly Safariland BW. Keepers aren't pictured.

Double mag/ StrionLED/ Keeper/ X26/ Radio/ SuperStinger (usually in charger unless I'm out of the car)/ Keeper ----->

Keeper/ Glove pouch/ Baton/ 295 holster/ Keeper with key clip/ OC/ Double cuff case.

While I've never had major back problems, for some reason I can't sit in the car with stuff on my back. So, to get everything to fit, the mag and cuff case are shoved almost together in the front.


RJ* said:
Is it just me? I have been told that you should keep the back of the belt clear - so if you fall on your back, you won't injure your spine.

I do keep the back of my belt clear, mostly because I wouldn't be able to sit in a car with a handcuff case pressing against my back.

then the belt is on, the cuff cases are spaced just to either side of my spine, in the meaty part of my back. puts a little pressure when riding in a car, but nothing i cant live with. have done it that way for years with no adverse effects "yet"

as far as the reflective, like i said, it doesnt reflect off of ambient lighting. only direct light like a flash light or headlights.
Well this is what i carry for work:

*Duty gun- Colt MK IV Series 70 1911 .45 Auto

*Back up gun- KelTec PF9 9MM "is holsterd inside my vest pocket"

*LED LENSER flashlight

*Pointblank Level III body

*2 smith & wesson cuffs

*Saber Red OC spray Blue bottle

*Scorpion mini camera on my vest

*Blackhawk serpa level II holster

Thats pretty much it i dont carry a batton usually leave it in my bag i use my left and right leg anyways.

My duty gear.jpg

My holster.jpg

I know exactly where this dispatch center is! I was in there filling out an application last year. Such a big set-up in such a small corner, lol. I also have a buddy that works as a medic for EMT down in carrolton, but he lives in NC.

ohi007 said:
ok i guess its my time to share. i actually work 2 jobs, 5 days a week (sometimes more) i do 911 dispatch for an EMS company. we are spread out through the state with stations in Ohio in Salem, Alliance, Massillon, Canton, Carrollton, Cadiz, Bethesda, and Bellaire. in West Virginia in Wheeling and Moundsville.

NOTE most of these pics were taken with the blackberry so please excuse the clarity and quality of pics. thanks

front door


dispatch 1 and wide view of room. can have up to 4 dispatchers on at a time.


dispatch 2 (over looks disp 1)


Radio Console


One Touch. click the button that matches the unit you want and tones drop. kinda cool.


the CAD. Computer Aided Dispatch


the phone


the radio console in the background. the goose neck mic is tied into that. the other phone looking thing and desk mic

are a Zetron Nextel base unit. we use Nextel A LOT for dispatch and sensitive info. we also have a hand held Nextel that is a back

up to this base unit, and we have 2 Alltel two way radio phones that we use in some areas that a Nextel wont work.


our office also does a non emergency answering service for about 50 clients. we do things like towing companies,

heating and cooling companies, plumbing companies, even a couple dr offices. this screen is a caller ID screen for this service.

it will show what line, what account number, and how the customer wants their phone answered.


Dispatch 1 and dispatch 2 do all of the 911 dispatching. there is always somebody at these 2 seats. the other 2 seats (1 directly behind dispatch one facing each other, and the other in the corner beside dispatch 2) do most of the answering service duties. the one across from dispatch 1 is manned 12 hrs a day m-f and the corner seat is only used when training or have a 4th dispatcher on.

WHEW, hope this post isnt too long, if it is i'm sorry.

like I said, that is the full time job. on my off time i put in time with the 2nd job.

first 2 pics are of the belt with goodies both in and out.

left to right : Mag pouch with 2 9mm mags and under Armour gloves -- HT1250 UHF radio with shoulder mic and ear bud -- flash light (used to carry stinger, found this LED light at a hardware store and traded up. want an LED stinger eventually) -- Smith & Wesson Chained handcuffs x2 -- OC Spray -- 26" ASP -- Smith & Wesson Sigma SW9VE 9mm -- key holder.



these 2 pics are the same as the first 2 but with the flash on so the reflective tape shows up. :cool:



ok now that i have taken up 10 min of your life (lol) what do u think?
I'll get pics up when I can.

I have 2 Duty belt setups. One for in Class A's and one for Class B's and Bike Patrol.

Class A: All is Basket Weave Leather.

Sam Browne Belt and Cross Strap.

Weak side to strong side around back:

-Double Mag pouch (2x mags of 12rd 9mm)

- Monadnock Expandable Baton

- Radio holder with HT1250 with shoulder Mic

- Streamlight Stinger DS HP LED in open top/bottom holder

- S&W cuffs on leather strap

- Peerless Hinged Cuffs (Blk) in pouch

- Safariland 6280 for S&W 6906 S&W

- OC Spray in Pouch

- 5x Belt keeps (between Mag pouch/baton, Insides of both Cuffs, front/rear of Holster)

- 3x Belt Keepers when wearing Sam Brown Cross Strap (same as above just not around Holster as that's where strap attaches)

Class B/Bike Patrol: Nylon/Kydex Gear

Uncle Mikes makes all but Holster, this is setup the same as above, in addition to nitrile glove holder between cuffs, no radio holder as I just use a belt clip on the radio. Holster is the same just Kydex not leather, and I just wear this belt on the pants itself as my BDUs have belt loops big enough, so no Belt Keepers.

I also have a pair of 5.11 gloves that are my "Search/fight/disorderly/drunk" gloves tucked into lower rear pocket of my pants usually.
Ok here is my duty belt from left to right:

Safariland 4340 magazine holder for Glock .40

Taser X26

Law Pro 4121 universal radio holder with EF Johnson (Junk) radio

uknown maker flash light ring

2x Gould & Goodrich B85W cuff cases with S&W M100 cuffs

Safariland latex glove pouch

Safariland 295 level II holster for Glock 22

Gould & Goodrich pepper spray holder

Perfect Fit cell phone case for my HTC Droid Incredible

I wear five belt keepers and one has a key clip on it

Well we work a 12 hr shift. Sometimes I work nights, others I work days. Nylon gear is for nights and basketweave for days and court.

Basketweave is all safariland.

the pouches contain:

2, 15 round glock 19 mags

26" ASP baton with the window punch on the end cap

Freeze +p

1 pair Peerless hinged, 1 pair ASP chain

HT1000 VHF radio with big a$$ antenna

X26 taser with 21' cartrage

standard 3rd gen Glock 19

[Broken External Image]:http://i751.photobucket.com/albums/xx158/theflashAL/IMG_2496.jpg


Nylon is primarily Bianchi

2, 16 round FNP9 mags

26" baton with window punch end cap

freeze +p

1 pair peerless hinged, 1 pain S&W chain

HT1000 radio

X26 taser

FNP9 with TLR1 attached

[Broken External Image]:http://i751.photobucket.com/albums/xx158/theflashAL/IMG_2493.jpg

I can understand different finishes based on the shift (I grow my goatee and don't wear my bling on nights, but am clean shaven and wear my shirt brass on days), but why different holsters and weapons?
I have night sights and the light on my FN. I'm just leavin the Glock standard. I really like the level 3 leather holster for the glock. BUT, I also like the SLS with light attachment for the FN for nights. I train with both and have never had a problem even under stress. Works for me! Not to mention the "earth" finish on the FN looks out of place on all black belt gear in a class a uniform. But matches our nightshift uniform great (OD 511 pants and tan 511 golf shirt)

My apologies for the poor quality picture.

Left to right: Glock 23C in a Bianchi Defender holster

NOTHING on my back (Three procedures and not planning on a fourth!) :nono:

Sabre Red in the Blue can.

Single cuff case.

Drop leg taser holster soft sided in the summer and Safariland in the winter. Cartridges staged in this order 21ft, 35ft, 25ft and 35ft.

Flashlight in the ready position.

Open top magazine pouches. (Speer LE Gold Dot duty ammunition 40 S&W 155 Grain GDHP)

Motorola XTS 5000 usually clipped to belt or front pocket of wranglers... YES we wear jeans in the summer.. Don't be too jealous they

Are chocolate Brown.

Nine belt keepers.

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