Lighting HELP me

You can put LED hide a ways in the reverse lights in blue. what are you looking for in the front I can get you very bright Tomar lights for cheap.
a 12 or 8 head Sound Off Ultra-Lite with Blue flashing ends and Sound Off Universal LED hideaways in whatever color you see fit and that will be one nice set-up.. and ofcourse i can get you a good price on that :D
I love how everyone including me is trying to premote the items they sell. I think you have to make sure you get a gen3 bright LED.
VolEms said:
I love how everyone including me is trying to premote the items they sell. I think you have to make sure you get a gen3 bright LED.

:lol: i thought my setup was pretty good.. :twisted:
Can't believe I'm the only one who noticed/mentioned this... :|

Unless you want the TA hanging way down, you're going to have to go for a split unit, which for the most part are custom builds. Your brake light will block the center of any solid light sticks. I've got barn doors on my Yukon and had to custom wire 2 D4 Dominators to get this to work right.
rwo978 said:
Can't believe I'm the only one who noticed/mentioned this... :|

Unless you want the TA hanging way down, you're going to have to go for a split unit, which for the most part are custom builds. Your brake light will block the center of any solid light sticks. I've got barn doors on my Yukon and had to custom wire 2 D4 Dominators to get this to work right.

it doesnt look like it would have to drop down awhole lot Ryan..
man o man,do i have the nicest deal for you... a Whelen Dominator Plus DP8,it's amber with blue flashers just like you want it and the best thing is the price is cheap :shock: i also have them in other colors r/c,r/b, all red,all amber,all blue :shock:
If you go with whelen contact HPD84 (The guy above me) he will give you the best prices on whelen products, or so i have found so far, he even beats Ebay!
Ya, i would listen to rwo, he knows his lighting! His split TA that he wired works very nicely.

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