LIN6 modules in TAM65/TAM85 bar?


Jun 20, 2010
Austin, TX
Does anyone know if Whelen LIN6 modules will fit in their TAM65/TAM85 TIR6-style housing? LIN6 modules appear to be slightly wider than the TIR6's and am not sure if there will be enough space in the TAM housing to let it slide into place.
I tried this, unfortunately the wires in the LIN6s stick out further due to the larger heatsink, it can be done, but is VERY difficult to do.

EDIT: After further review it cannot be done, the only way i was able to do was to the shave the tabs down slightly and actually have the tabs slide in right in front of the channel they are supposed to fit in. I got the LIN6s for free so i had no problem upgrading the bar with them and have them held in place by zip ties.
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Andrew, thanks for the response. You wouldn't happen to have any pictures of your modifications, would you? :)

TNFF412N, aren't all of the linear 500 series the same dimensions wise? I'm sure the LIN6's will fit the regular extrusion housing as those are nearly four inches wide! But it's the low-profile housing that has me scratching my head.
i dont think they are , i think the 4 wire ones are bigger because you have a flasher built in... i might be wrong but im pretty sure they are bigger. We tried to add some lin6s to our liberty and had some lying around.......
brewmeister08 said:
TNFF412N, aren't all of the linear 500 series the same dimensions wise? I'm sure the LIN6's will fit the regular extrusion housing as those are nearly four inches wide! But it's the low-profile housing that has me scratching my head.

Nope. The LIN6 are in fact larger depth wise than the TIR6 because of the "Deep lens reflector". That is why the LIN6 and the TIR6 have different surface mount flanges that are not compatible with the other. This will not work with out serious modification to the housing and the lights themselves. You would be better off getting a TADP6 or TADP8 (LINZ6).

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