Ive ran into a little dillema, on my 2007 charger, I have four red soundoff mini 3 grill lights on grill brackets, factory wig wag, single head talon (red) on dash, and two red/clear whelen slim misers headliner mounted, and in the back I have four whelen hide aways x'd up in the brake and reverse lamps. This vehicle is not only my pov, but its a demo unit for my business, where I install and sell warning equipment. So I was wondering, I have two surface mount tir3's, and I really need intersection warning, and it also needs to look good. So should I go the extra male and spend a couple hundred for red mirror beams, or should I surface mount the tirs to the mirror housings? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, im just so frusterated because dont know how it would look. Also has anyone else used a surfacemount for a mirror beam type light? Or should I just forget the mirror beam idea and mount them on the b post? Thoughts? :?