Mixing brands...

How is it bad? I don't see what the problem is. Select the best equipment for each of the things your trying to accomplish with your installation. Who cares if you mix and match brands? I have a federal signal smart siren attached to a CPI speaker and have never had any problems.

On a side note, I once had an installer tell me you couldn't use Code3 lights with a federal signal switch box. Apparently lights can tell the difference in where their power is coming from ;)
Its been done for years with strobe tubes. Federal with sound off, whelen, code3 . The manufactruer will tell you that the system isnt compliant unless you use their speaker with their siren. Its BS. My first department used smart sirens with MX7000 with an arrow we had to modify the wiring in the bar for the SS controller to work the arrowstick
Their are occasions where stuff is totally propriatery... like B-link.... And code 3, federal and whelen strobes were at some points technically not compatible. At one time Whelen and Federal used the same plugs but the wire order was diferent. Code 3 used to have the CAPs directly on the strobe head in their internal strobes for the MX and intensity and it pretty much needed a specific supply.

But for the most part you can mix and match companies with out much issue.
code60a said:
On a side note, I once had an installer tell me you couldn't use Code3 lights with a federal signal switch box. Apparently lights can tell the difference in where their power is coming from ;)

I know someone like that. :roll:
Hey I say mixing is fine. I use a Federal signal smart siren with a sound off speaker and a Carson volunteer siren with a code 3 speaker.
I agree... mixing is fine. I've got a CPI speaker with a Carson siren, and lights I've got Axixtech HAWs on a Nova power supply, all run off a custom made switch panel.
The only issue that I have found with sirens is that I have yet to find a brand (other than FS) that will withstand use with an EQ2B. The first ambulances that we got with the EQ years ago came in Cast Products housings with Whelen drivers. Lasted a matter of weeks. Were replaced with the same, and a few weeks later - dead. Fleet Manager finally brought in a Federal rep (we had a number of new trucks with these sirens) and he found the issue quickly. We changed everything out with TS100 drivers and never again had the issue. In our SUVs, they will work tirelessly with Dynamax speakers. Drop in a Whelen SA or other, the life is short.

Odd occurrance? Not sure

Well let's see, the truck that I'm working on for my SAR team has a Whelen WS295 siren on two FedSig BP100 speakers, and a Code3 MX7000 and Sho-Me LEDs controlled by a FedSig SW400, and it all works....
I can't think of a single install where everything was from one Manufacturer. Stick with names with credibility and readily accessible tech support and warranty.

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