More free lightbars

May 21, 2010
Berlin, MI, 48002
I had someone come up to me @ the Fireman's Memorial last weekend & ask me if I had any use for some Streethawks. I said, not really :lol: ,but what did he have/how much? He said I could HAVE them & that there were 12 :)

He said they were all "in the boxes", so I assumed they were NOS, but they were used in new Sound-Off ETL boxes instead.

Turns out his dept. was only about 40 mins. away, so I went down there yesterday, picked up the lights & donated $100 to a fund for his department for his trouble :cool:

They cleaned up nice!

They all have 5 rotators, 2 TD's, alleys, 4 rear flashers, 2 front flashers, long cables & the all-lights have intersection sweeps.




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Nice score, especially for the price. I'm not a Streethawk fan but congrats anyway on your acquisition. They look to be in better than usual shape for used bars. Hope they bring you a decent price, but lightbars aren't selling for much these days. Hang on to them until the economy (or the market) picks back up.
I put this same post on facebook also:

If anyone wants one, just let me know. I donated $100 to the FD I got them from, so, if I can get that back out of the whole lot, great. If not, oh well. I can ship them too. Basically all I'm asking is that I don't end up in the red if I have to ship them, & maybe throw a few bucks my way?

I should mention they ALL NEED WORK & I may not be able to replace everything that needs to be fixed.
Let's see, 100 divided by 11 (which are pictured, but you said there were 12) equals a little over $9 each! Shipping will probably run around $40, so would $50 shipped for each one be your asking price? That would leave you with about a dollar profit :)

Just teasing.
Dammit- I want a red/clear/red one... If not for school I'd have the shipping $$ as well.. ugh.. These are some of the more memorable lightbars for me as most the Local PD's were running these in my youth (after the dual beacons on a bar)

Nice score :)
I had a fellow I knew from some previous dealings, who was the shop manager for the local ambulance serivce, call me one afternoon several years ago and ask if I still "messed around" with lights. I said sure, why? He said he had some lightbars that were being surplused, and I told him I was interested but couldn't afford to get any of them. He said no problem, are you going to be home for the next hour or two? I said yes, and he said he would come right on over. I told him not to bring anything to tempt me and he just laughed and said I might be surprised at the cost.

Long story short, he brought me 16 MX7000 bars and 3 MX parts bars, plus several factory wrapped and brand new clear domes and various other MX replacements parts they were culling from their storage and he literally gave them to me for free. Yep, nada, nothing, zilch. They were in good to excellent shape and he said they had acquired them from another service they took over in a merger, but didn't need them since they used Edge bars on their fleet. They all worked perfectly, except for a bad bulb here and there which I replaced from the parts bars. I sold most of them for around $150-200 each, and the others for a little less, and this was back in the late 90s-early 2000s before LEDs were introduced and took over the market.

I sure was happy with that little score falling into my lap out of nowhere.
if you are still looking to get rid of a few, shoot me a pm.

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