Motorola Beacons?


Veteran Member
May 16, 2010
Anyone know anything about Motorola Command-O-Lert beacons?

Value, rarity, What kind of cross-bars they were used on?
Th FD I started with used to have a ford van with a set of those on it. It alos had a Motorola siren and speaker that had a sound you wouldn't mistake for any other vehicle.
Think Signal Stat or Dietz made them for Moto....
I don't own any of these. The red ones are just a result of a Google Images search and the blue one is on

Dusty, I think you might be correct.
Damn! :eek: I guess who ever that belongs to didn't give a hoot-in-hell about those lights, man what

a shame not knowing about the value of treating those.
The quad light bar looks like a pair of Signal Stat 374 beacons mounted on a dual cross bar.

The blue ones look a lot like North American 250 beacons and a pair of universal turn signals (Dietz, Grote, Signal Stat) mounted on a Signal Stat or Dietz bar.
Motorola sold Signal-Stat beacons as Command-O-Lert in the '70s.

I have a NOS Motorola ST 1117 Command-O-Lert which is originally a Signal-Stat 370.

The other is a North American Signal 250. The light head is of the early tube type.

The SAE approval number indicate that it from the '60s and before Motorola started so sell Signal-Stat.
Odd - Every Motorola training film I saw in the 70's and early 80's started with a Federal Beacon Ray in the background behind the credits.
Regarding the bar with the NAS 250's, the bar look like a Signal-Stat bar due to the shape of the mounting feets.

Dietz have never had a bar with that type of feets.
Stendec said:
Odd - Every Motorola training film I saw in the 70's and early 80's started with a Federal Beacon Ray in the background behind the credits.
I remember those, & the Miami PD lieutenant with the wide side burns..

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