MX 7000 HELP

Excalibur rotators are directly interchangeable with MX7000 rotators, and vice-versa. The main difference is that the Excalibur rotators have plastic reflectors while the MX7000 rotators have metal reflectors.

Not anymore. They are all now the free form type( plastc). They (code3) now used the free forms in the lp6000.
just an idea, on fire apparatus in florida, the white center rotator was put on a parking brake kill switch, so that it could only work with the truck in motion. if you haven't traced the white wire with the clicking sound, it might be to a relay that enables the center rotator.

just my .02
the clicking in his bar is the flasher for the front and rear flashers, code 3 used a 700 series headlight flasher in many of the mx7000's, generally an orange wire will activate the flasher's ( flashing mode) and then when power is applied to the white and the orange at the same time the flashers will steady burn. also the other white is commonly the intersections and the yellow are alleys

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