MX7000 Amp Question


Veteran Member
May 21, 2010
I need to know if I can power 2 rotators, 3 fast rotators. 1 set of flashers & one set of intersection sweepers off of one 40amp relay powered by a 10 gauge wire. Safe or not?

I have only ever installed strobe & LED bars so I do not know about this much halogen. The owner of the vehicle wants all this to operate off one toggle!.
5 *55 Watt

2 * 30 Watt flashers?

2 * 30 watt sweepers?

Approx 395 watts add 10% call it 450 watts

so thats about the complete 40 amp relay taken care of. Not sure if you can cold crank a 40 amp relay with 450 start up watts?
I have a mx7000 with the following:

2 slow and 2 fast rotators

4 55w takedowns

2 alleys

2 sweepers

4 alt flashers 27w each.

wired through a sw300.

I can run everything but 2 takedowns.

I can't cold start it at the same time, though... Have to get things "On" 1 by 1.... power supply is 50 amps.
May be adding 2 more flashers. I will tell the guy I recommend putting the flashers & sweeps on one switch & the rotators on another.
Ok so after a little discussion the bar is going to be the 5 rotators, front & rear flashers, 4 steady burns front & 4 steady burns rear, & alley lights. Going to be controlled by a 4 switch sw200 fed by an 8 gauge wire. Is this going to work & hold up? The box has a 40amp relay in it for the first switch & I hope it can handle the rotators & flashers.

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