My new Honda Pilot


Junior Member
Sep 7, 2010
My New 2010 Honda Pilot.


4 Head Axixtech Commander XL6 (on Push Bumper)

911EP LS12 (in dash)

(2) Code 3 lo-profile speakers (push bumper)


(2) Whelen LINZ6 (on sides of push bumper)

(2) Federal Signal Cuda Trioptics 3 pack horizontal (Back side windows)


(2) R/A dual talons (back window)

(2) Whelen Vertex (in backup lights)

Still adding:

Whelen HLF


Whelen dual Talon (R/W) (upper right dash)


Carson sc1012

Sho me Warble/whoop

Control panel:

Carson sc1012 modified to control 2nd siren AND still have one center off switch that controls primary and secondary lights.

A picture of the console for those who asked:

The left 3 switches do what they were intended to do. The 4th from the left controls my warble/whoop siren with up- warble, down-whoop, center off.

The right most switch up- primary lights, down- secondary lights, center-off.


I think any more light in the front would be overdoing it.

Otherwise very neat.

Why going R/B in front and amber in back though? :?
TheGatekeeper said:
I think any more light in the front would be overdoing it.
Otherwise very neat.

Why going R/B in front and amber in back though? :?

Looked that way to me, too, at first.

Good looking ride! Got any pics of the console?
great looking POV

duvy59 said:
Whelen dual Talon (R/W) (upper right dash)

i think a dual talon would look great, but how bout u move the 911ep light above the rvm and put the dual talon on the lower dash (so that u have lighting at multiple levels but everything'd be centered)
pdk9 said:
great looking POV

i think a dual talon would look great, but how bout u move the 911ep light above the rvm and put the dual talon on the lower dash (so that u have lighting at multiple levels but everything'd be centered)

This would not be multiple levels.

Tier 1 is roof and 360°

Tier 2 is headliner or dash

Tier 3 is grille.

Having the LS12 AS WELL AS the TLN respectively on windshield and dash does not make "multiple levels", it only makes the light prints overlap at the same Tier 2 level.
TheGatekeeper said:
This would not be multiple levels.
Tier 1 is roof and 360°

Tier 2 is headliner or dash

Tier 3 is grille.

Having the LS12 AS WELL AS the TLN respectively on windshield and dash does not make "multiple levels", it only makes the light prints overlap at the same Tier 2 level.

There's no need to get all fancy with outlining tier levels for someone's POV. Having something on the headliner and having something on the dash could very well serve as multiple levels of lighting without necessarily always overlapping footprints (especially in daytime, IMO); for example, I had a dash light and light on the headliner of my POV (with the headliner light being level with the RVMs of most other ppl to get their attention, since they're not always looking head-on at you or paying attention to a vehicle approaching from behind w/ lights) and it worked well for me, hence i merely suggested it to the OP
TheGatekeeper said:
This would not be multiple levels.

Tier 1 is roof and 360°

Tier 2 is headliner or dash

Tier 3 is grille.

Having the LS12 AS WELL AS the TLN respectively on windshield and dash does not make "multiple levels", it only makes the light prints overlap at the same Tier 2 level.

I was thinking- I don't know where these level breakdowns came from but I have a problem with the idea that adding more lighting to the same level will only serve to make the light prints overlap. In terms of overlapping, the main factor should be the distance between the two lights. For example, If I put and LS12 on my dash and put a Talon immediately on top of it- serious overlap. However, an LS12 on the bottom of my dash as it is in the video and a Talon on the upper right of my dash are much further apart and I do not think they would overlap.

The main idea to keep in mind when making sure lights don't overlap is VERTICAL distance (as opposed to horizontal distance). For example, If you see grill lights on a car and a cherry on the roof, you can easily distinguish the two because they are at different heights (vertical distance) and not because the grill lights are nearer to you and the cherry is farther (horizontal distance). If you had one talon facing you and another 10 feet above it and 15 feet behind it- I doubt you would be able to tell that one is behind the other- you would only perceive the vertical distance.

That being said, according to your levels, a cherry on my roof and a talon on the uppermost part of my dash would be considered two different levels and would therefore not overlap. I beg to differ. The (vertical) distance between those two lights if you think about it could be only 3-6 inches as the only barrier is the roof of your car. looking from any sort of distance, these lights may very well overlap in a significant way. However, a light on the bottom of my dash and another on the top-most part of my windshield would not overlap (only according to your levels idea) even though they are considered to be the same level.

Anyway, should I put the freakin Talon or not?
duvy59 said:
I was thinking- I don't know where these level breakdowns came from but I have a problem with the idea that adding more lighting to the same level will only serve to make the light prints overlap. In terms of overlapping, the main factor should be the distance between the two lights. For example, If I put and LS12 on my dash and put a Talon immediately on top of it- serious overlap. However, an LS12 on the bottom of my dash as it is in the video and a Talon on the upper right of my dash are much further apart and I do not think they would overlap.

The main idea to keep in mind when making sure lights don't overlap is VERTICAL distance (as opposed to horizontal distance). For example, If you see grill lights on a car and a cherry on the roof, you can easily distinguish the two because they are at different heights (vertical distance) and not because the grill lights are nearer to you and the cherry is farther (horizontal distance). If you had one talon facing you and another 10 feet above it and 15 feet behind it- I doubt you would be able to tell that one is behind the other- you would only perceive the vertical distance.

That being said, according to your levels, a cherry on my roof and a talon on the uppermost part of my dash would be considered two different levels and would therefore not overlap. I beg to differ. The (vertical) distance between those two lights if you think about it could be only 3-6 inches as the only barrier is the roof of your car. looking from any sort of distance, these lights may very well overlap in a significant way. However, a light on the bottom of my dash and another on the top-most part of my windshield would not overlap (only according to your levels idea) even though they are considered to be the same level.

Anyway, should I put the freakin Talon or not?

Yes, I'd put the Talon up in the passenger side headliner.

When I had my Super Slimlighters installed in my headliner they did great and made a big difference over only having a dual Talon on the dash. I even ran just one in the passenger side for awhile while I was waiting to find time to get the other on the driver's side installed. I miss having the extra warning power up high. It makes a big difference in my opinion.

Keep the LS12 centered on the dash below the RVM and plus the Talon on the passenger side. Some people might thing it will look a little odd not having one on the drivers side, but who cares. You can always in the future add a second one in the headliner if you want.

Looking forward to pics and videos of the addition :)
Allow me to clarify.

The "tier" concept refers to the need for the emergency operator to have its vehicle seen under various circumstances, with each "tier" device having a main, "primary purpose", such as:

- Roof or 360° : From far away, among heavy traffic, from members of public not necessarily in vehicles. And everything else related to the

360° concept (intersection, stationary/scene protection, fast-lane response etc..)

- Grille/Dash or Windshield : From a closer distance, for rapid traffic penetration (ie: highway Code 3 response in light traffic), when other

motorists first see emergency lights thru their rearview mirror.

- Dash/Windshield : From a close distance, litterally tailgating the motorist in front of you in heavy city traffic for instance (Neither lightbar

nor grille lights are visible at such close proximity from the motorist rearview mirror)

A lightbar for instance will help at close distance too, but it's not its main purpose.

So in relation to the current conversation, a windshield light and a dashlight do cover the same spectrum, and the same tier. So even if they don't exactly overlap by much, they do serve the same "primary purpose".

To make an easy analogy, it's like using suspenders and a belt... ;)

But hey, it ain't against the law.... suspenders can always fail, better to have a plan B ! :D
New contest: before the OP says if he with the big H, try to guess the right answer.

I'm going to say no. but am often wrong (just ask the GF :roll:)
RL1 said:
but am often wrong (just ask the GF :roll:)

Haha. At least you have that understood. It makes your life easier to just say "yes dear" and smile.

RL1 said:
New contest: before the OP says if he with the big H, try to guess the right answer.

I'm going to say no.

I'm going to go with no also. This vehicle just doesn't scream H to me like other ones have. Like RL1 said, I'm often wrong.
It doesn't matter, I was just really bored.

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