Some more info on what it is used for, what his preferences on lights or types of lights he wants, and on local requirements will be helpful when people are thinking about what advice to give.
Used for Fire/EMS response, direct to scene for first response EMS, local requirements: Red or red and white lights and siren (amber is fair game too) Preference on lights is Whelen, he hasn't given me specifics on what he wants yet. The only thing he mentioned to me was a dual avenger, LED HAW's, and Pimp Pods. He said he bought a galls remote siren but hasn't installed it yet. I am trying to talk him into some kind of central control system like a cencom or the like. Possibly something like this ... odule.html
sorry for the vague post, it was late last nightn
He is in college so I'm assuming the budget won't be gInormous.
I've got one. I just did the basic package for now, SS2000, 2 dual vipers in the back, FS Cudas in the grill, Slim lighter (gen1) on the dash, and a Tomar 200s on the deck.