Need your help to disassemble rotators sealed beams!


Oct 25, 2010
Lyon, France
No markings... just gear teeth position on the belt is all that sets where they face.

fireball3 said:
Hello everyone!

I want to start the renovation of my "Code 3 SD", but before removing the rotators of sealed beams, I want to know how rotators are synchronized, is there any markings to note, before removing, so that synchronize rotators in the reassembly!.

thank you for your help

[Broken External Image]:[URL][/URL]
the first photo is a front view of the alignment and the second is the rear view. if clear lenses are used with colored bulbs all the bulbs except the one facing by itself as in the rear view would be the same color and the one that is by it self would be white or the second color


Good luck aligning them. The SD is almost impossible to do, just the way the motor is mounted; it is a PITA to just get the band around the gear, never mind getting them aliened.
jdh said:
Good luck aligning them. The SD is almost impossible to do, just the way the motor is mounted; it is a PITA to just get the band around the gear, never mind getting them aliened.

Thank you, but I just, all apart! :worried:

Yes, indeed, the two parts are independent, and both belts are mounted on a tensioning roller!

I completely disassembled, piece by piece, for cleaning and polishing!, and new wiring!

signal12 said:
Your welcome and keep us updated on your progress

Yes, of course! :) for this reason that I take pictures, all stages; to give you a summary of the renovation of this bar!.

thank you all for your interest

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