Hello everyone, I'm new to this light bar restoration / collecting game but I thought I'd share my first accusation for restoration.
I recently purchased a retired police car that I plan to restore back to it's original state but that's another story. Anyway this car came with an old beat up light bar that was not correct for my car restoration so I figured I'd just clean it up and sell it or maybe trade it for the correct light that I will be needing. In my search for information about this bar I found this site and have realized I'm not the only crazy person who would like to have a light bar collection and is interested in older bars :lol:
My light is a Federal Signal TwinSonic Model 12X. As I read about this bar on this site I found that there are a couple of members here that know quite a bit about these lights and hope they will chime in with their input. From what I've read, it would appear that someone has added rear flashers to this bar. Not really a bad job with the install but I'm planning to remove them so that I can make this bar correct. As I opened the light up to fish out the power wires I found that this bar has a chain drive, something that has kind of intrigued me so I put power to the bar to see it work. Well after a little playing around with it I finally got it to work. First problem is 3 out of 4 bulbs are blown, not a big deal but just something I will need to get after the holiday. I decided to use some gun oil on the chain to quite things up a little and it helped with the speed not to mention the smoothness of this thing...
It was at that point that I decided that I was going to restore the light and keep it as the first light in my collection. To be honest with y'all I didn't like this light when I first saw it (Same with that retired police car) but after doing a little research and actually seeing this thing operating I've changed my mind
I've included a pic of this beat up ugly thing for y'all to see.

I recently purchased a retired police car that I plan to restore back to it's original state but that's another story. Anyway this car came with an old beat up light bar that was not correct for my car restoration so I figured I'd just clean it up and sell it or maybe trade it for the correct light that I will be needing. In my search for information about this bar I found this site and have realized I'm not the only crazy person who would like to have a light bar collection and is interested in older bars :lol:
My light is a Federal Signal TwinSonic Model 12X. As I read about this bar on this site I found that there are a couple of members here that know quite a bit about these lights and hope they will chime in with their input. From what I've read, it would appear that someone has added rear flashers to this bar. Not really a bad job with the install but I'm planning to remove them so that I can make this bar correct. As I opened the light up to fish out the power wires I found that this bar has a chain drive, something that has kind of intrigued me so I put power to the bar to see it work. Well after a little playing around with it I finally got it to work. First problem is 3 out of 4 bulbs are blown, not a big deal but just something I will need to get after the holiday. I decided to use some gun oil on the chain to quite things up a little and it helped with the speed not to mention the smoothness of this thing...
It was at that point that I decided that I was going to restore the light and keep it as the first light in my collection. To be honest with y'all I didn't like this light when I first saw it (Same with that retired police car) but after doing a little research and actually seeing this thing operating I've changed my mind