NOT so Routine Traffic Stop

DAMNIT I can't get past 30 seconds because my internet connection fubared due to storms. Didn't that officer walk up to that window way to nonchalant? I also didn't know they asked for registration anywhere anymore. People talk waaaaaaaaaaaaay to much when they get stopped by the cops. That would drive me nuts.
I think Officer Nappo should get suspended for a week or two, There is no reason for that. The guy was trying to say he was sorry and the cop told him to Shut his F'ing Mouth. Thats messed. I would have lost it at the cop. At least the driver kept his cool, cause if someone would have told me that I would have lost it. There is no need for that kind of language, even from the cops.
the driver kept his cool because he is an asshole trying to hook the cops. The second officer was a out of line, yes, but that guy set this up. seems to have had several run in with police in the recent past. i hope they wrote him for all of those viotations and that they stuck ...
I think the officer should get a butt chewing by his sgt, but def not suspended. I'm not going to judge another cop when I don't know all the facts. There's no way of knowing what the officer had to deal with that day before he started working traffic.
ffjwhite said:
I think Officer Nappo should get suspended for a week or two, There is no reason for that. The guy was trying to say he was sorry and the cop told him to Shut his F'ing Mouth. Thats messed. I would have lost it at the cop. At least the driver kept his cool, cause if someone would have told me that I would have lost it. There is no need for that kind of language, even from the cops.
Suspended for a week or two? For what? For cussing at some guy that cussed at you first? Where I grow up I was taught to treat someone the way I want to be treated. If this clown comes cussing at me, I assume thats what he wants right back at him. This driver obviously was trying to pick a fight. He yelled out the window at an officer involved in situation that had nothing to do with him. He got that camera turned on immediately following the stop, knew EXACTLY where to place it to videotape the officers and not himself.

You cuss at me first, the door is open for me to return the favor. The guy was not trying to apologize, just because you say the words doesn't mean you are sorry. He was passively insulting and bemeaning the police officers, trying to further provoke them. The first officer did a professional job and kept his cool and came out the better person. Ofr Nappo let his emotions get to him, which he probably shouldn't have, but there is absolutely NOTHING to merit a suspension.... let alone a week or two. If I was his Sgt, or a senior officer on the shift, I would have a talk with him about being professional on the job, but the guy got exactly what he deserved and it would end there.

I'm sure that you have never, ever had a bad day and someone just pushed your buttons.... right? Suspended for a week or two.... get real...
This should be in the NON PROFESSIONAL LOUNGE. No matter how upset I get with any person i've dealt with i've never talked to anyone like that. I smile a lot and say things like sir and have a great day. I've had knives and guns pulled on me and my language never got that bad toward the person.

So when is it right to not voice your opinion? I don't care who you are, if you are on duty there is no need to disrespect someone back. Its called being professional. They guy retaliated like a 3rd grader did in elementary. If he had a bad day then he shouldn't take it out on citizens regardless of what they did. I have been called some words at the fatal the other day and I kept my cool, there is just no NEED WHAT SO EVER.
uhm... The guy filming was a twerp- and got what he asked for. Was it unprofessional to cuss him... yeah... but shit it was a situation that was created by the twerp. He got what he deserved.

mfaith91 said:
uhm... The guy filming was a twerp- and got what he asked for. Was it unprofessional to cuss him... yeah... but shit it was a situation that was created by the twerp. He got what he deserved.


Agreed. Un-professional... yes. But, worthy of a suspension or firing... hell no. Not one of you can tell me you've never dropped the "F'bomb" talking to some mouthy punk. I've done it... you get caught up in the moment.

This guy created a shit storm... but couldn't take the heat... twerp pretty much sums it up.

Maybe he was just having a bad day, don't know.

I do know that he has a job in which he has to deal with the public everyday he shows up to work. You never know what the someone might say or do but you have to do your best not to let them bring you down to the level they are on at the time. If something as simple and stupid as some dumbass yelling something at you while driving down the road causes you to lose your professional composure, you might not be in the right line of work. Then again, everybody has a bad day now and again.
ffjwhite said:
I think Officer Nappo should get suspended for a week or two, There is no reason for that. The guy was trying to say he was sorry and the cop told him to Shut his F'ing Mouth. Thats messed. I would have lost it at the cop. At least the driver kept his cool, cause if someone would have told me that I would have lost it. There is no need for that kind of language, even from the cops.

The filming goat got exactly what he had coming to him. I assume by your post that your not a cop, sounds like an excuse a first year attorney would use in a trial, the driver kept his cool because he was trying to get the cop hemmed up. And as far as "losing it", well if you drove by me on a car stop and called me an asshole, i then pull you over and I told you to "shut the F@$% up" (assuming that since you prefer that type of language that it is all you understand) and you decided to "lose it", I would have jerked you out of that car fast you wouldn't have had time to unbuckle your belt. I will tell you I have told an untold number of suspects to "shut the F*&*( up". It has nothing to do with losing your cool, having a bad day, or being in the wrong line of work. Every cop on this board will tell you, sometimes you have to put things into terms that goats understand. The "sir this", "sir please", "sir stop resisting", most of the people I deal with would look at me if I told them that like I had an octopus coming out of my ears, some of you have been watching a few to many episodes of COPS. No offense to anyone in the fire service I respect what you guys do a great deal, but we are not taking in sick people on the squad or putting out fires, we deal with shitbirds like this and worse, and you actually expect us to TAKE shit off of people and not give it back to them...PLEASE....The bottom line is I give people the same respect they give me, if you want to be cooperative you will get the easy going cop, you want to drive by me and call me an asshole, you get the asshole cop.
I only watched about 1/2 the video but to me it looked staged. Unless the camera was concealed I have no doubt the officers knew about camera. With that said the violator was a prick. Just got a ticket and getting pulled over again? Seems like someone needs a drivers license revoked. I understand this stop was probably due to the violator yelling obscenities out the window, but still.

I HATE hearing excuses. Everyone fucks up. Admit it and move on. I don't care where you were going, what happend two weeks ago, or what is waiting for you at home. I want you to acknowledge your violation and legitimately show remorse for it. 90% of a time that will get you a warning from me.

I hate when people say "why are you pulling me over? There is real crime out there". I have taken more criminals off the road through a traffic stop than any other way. Traffic stops are one of the best tools LE has in combating crime, and yes traffic violations can be criminal.
ffjwhite said:
So when is it right to not voice your opinion? I don't care who you are, if you are on duty there is no need to disrespect someone back. Its called being professional. They guy retaliated like a 3rd grader did in elementary. If he had a bad day then he shouldn't take it out on citizens regardless of what they did. I have been called some words at the fatal the other day and I kept my cool, there is just no NEED WHAT SO EVER.

With all due respect, I disagree. There is a time and a place for using langauge like that. Police work can be dirty and brutal sometimes, its the nature of the game. Sometimes you need to use harsh and insolent language to get the job done. I will 100% agree with you that the officer was not acting professional, and I believe he could have completed the stop without talking like that. However, I can also understand why he reacted the way that he did and I cannot fault him for it. Now, if the driver hadn't cussed first, then I would agree its not justified.

Bottom line, you don't want someone to talk to you like that, don't talk to them like that. One time on a fatal you had someone talk to you like that.... I deal with it on an almost daily basis. Just because I am a police officer does not mean that I have to put up with your mouth. The guy is lucky, you drive past me and call me an asshole in public where anybody else heard it, and you are going to jail for disorderly.

I highly doubt that any police officer on this forum has never cussed at someone on duty. If you haven't, and you aren't a wide eyed rookie or you've never worked a high stress call, my hat is off to you.
We get paid to be cool when others can't. I won't let somebody else control my actions. Telling somebody to shut the fuck up is not going to de-escalate a situation. The fact that they want to be disorderly doesn't mean I'm going to be.
Who are you kidding? You can't even keep your cool on an internet forum populated by police and firefighters! By the way, my job description says I get paid to enforce the law and protect life.... nowhere does it state that I am to be a punching bag or sit idle while being insulted. I know that a de-escalation tactic that has worked for me is being the dominant aggressor in some situations... not that it was needed in this particular instance though.
mcpd2025 said:
Who are you kidding? You can't even keep your cool on an internet forum populated by police and firefighters! By the way, my job description says I get paid to enforce the law and protect life.... nowhere does it state that I am to be a punching bag or sit idle while being insulted. I know that a de-escalation tactic that has worked for me is being the dominant aggressor in some situations... not that it was needed in this particular instance though.

"Dominant aggressor" :roll: It's a traffic stop, not a dynamic breach. Way to flip out there, sport. Guess you need the punching bag instead. Thanks for proving my point.
Stendec said:
"Dominant aggressor" :roll: It's a traffic stop, not a dynamic breach. Way to flip out there, sport. Guess you need the punching bag instead. Thanks for proving my point.

Good to have you back weirdo.... do you even read my posts before you reply? I specifically stated that I did not agree it was neccessary in this instance. How did I flip out? What was your point.... and how did I prove it?
mcpd2025 said:
Good to have you back weirdo.... do you even read my posts before you reply? I specifically stated that I did not agree it was neccessary in this instance. How did I flip out? What was your point.... and how did I prove it?

I'm going to require 20 scientific studies proving your point, just so I can deny their accuracy.... :lol: :lol:

I am in total agreement with you on this. We usually try to keep "bad language" to ourselves. Back in the late 60"s and early 70's, if someone uttered a a**hole, gd* or "F" word in front of a police officer, they were going to jail for disorderly conduct/profanity in public. If they interfered with me in an EMS role, same thing. Police officers respected paramedics, because we were going to be the ones saving their lives and treating their injuries. Since the 1980's every new generation seems to have incorporated more profanity and started using it at an earlier age. In some places, the mutual respect among police, fire, and EMS officials seems to have waned.

I commend public safety professionals (Police, Fire, and EMS) that can tolerate such verbal abuse, but that does not mean we should have to "take it" in with other daily stresses. Neither should officers speak as they were spoken too. I hope the laws are still on the books about profanity and disorderly conduct but they have just been selectively or neglectfully enforced. If the person is stupid enough to make such an utterance targeted at an officer or public servant, ticket them or arrest them and then let them hash it out in court with the judge.

I am in total agreement with you on this. We usually try to keep "bad language" to ourselves. Back in the late 60"s and early 70's, if someone uttered a a**hole, gd* or "F" word in front of a police officer, they were going to jail for disorderly conduct/profanity in public. If they interfered with me in an EMS role, same thing. Police officers respected paramedics, because we were going to be the ones saving their lives and treating their injuries. Since the 1980's every new generation seems to have incorporated more profanity and started using it at an earlier age. In some places, the mutual respect among police, fire, and EMS officials seems to have waned.

I commend public safety professionals (Police, Fire, and EMS) that can tolerate such verbal abuse, but that does not mean we should have to "take it" in with other daily stresses. Neither should officers speak as they were spoken too. I hope the laws are still on the books about profanity and disorderly conduct but they have just been selectively or neglectfully enforced. If the person is stupid enough to make such an utterance targeted at an officer or public servant, ticket them or arrest them and then let them hash it out in court with the judge.

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