NY Lighting Laws

I'm gonna ask the question again in this thread as I figure one of them will get locked, but am I reading correctly that the law is also now allowing 360 degrees of blue lights on POVs? Meaning I can get a full blue rear pinnacle in my car now? Haha.
In NYS a volunteer firefighter has always been allowed 1 blue light visible 360*

Last time I looked at the law it said 1 blue light not exceeding 32 candlepower but I'm sure that has changed over the years as I have not seen any teardrop lights with an 1156 bulb in years...
The candlepower rule is no more. Basically you can run blue to the rear on emergency vehicles, not just police vehicles. Some departments have been doing this for years anyways.
dca37 said:
Not every vehicle, only Fire and PD. EMS still is not allowed blue to the rear :evil:
I thought I read it that Ambulances are allowed Blue to the rear...


After rereading the bill, it's a little strange but it looks like you might be right...

Reading the "Purpose" they say "other Emergency responders" but reading the whole bill, it looks like they are amending the VAT Law Section 375 to add the words "Fire Vehicle". I know some Fire Departments have an ambulance service and the law would cover them but as for any non fire department ambulance services, it looks to be a no go for now... Maybe this was an oversite...


To protect volunteer firefighters and other emergency responders by

requiring motorist to reduce speed when approaching and passing

emergency situations on a highway and also to allow for the use of the

blue light for rear projection for all volunteer emergency response



Section 1. subdivision (e) of section 1180 of the vehicle and traffic

law, as amended by chapter 211 of the laws of 2004 is amended by this

legislation to require drivers to drive at an appropriate reduced speed

when approaching and passing an emergency situation involving any

authorized emergency vehicle displaying a blue light or one or more red

or combination red, white or blue lights.

Section 2. paragraph 4 of subdivision 41 of section 375 of the vehicle

and traffic law, as amended by chapter 45 of the laws of 2006 is amended

to allow a blue light to be affixed to any motor vehicle owned by a

volunteer member of a fire department provided that the volunteer

firefighter has been authorized in writing to do so by the chief of the

fire department of company of which he/she is a member.

The term "fire vehicle" is defined to include a vehicle ordinarily

operated by a chief or assistant chief of a volunteer company or fire

I'm not sure, If you are part of a Fire Department EMS and the fire chief has authorized you to use red lights I'd say yes BUT if your dept is NOT part of a fire dept then I'd say no as I interpret the bill.

Most all NYS laws be it VAT or Penal all depend on how they are interpreted.
If it doesn't cover EMS vehicles then the law is not very effective. We are planning on doing blue to the rear at our rescue squad and there's no reason why FDs should get it and we can't. Everyone knows that EMS always has a higher call volume than fire.
Oh I agree. I might not be reading it correctly or interpreting it correctly but like I said, it looks to me like the are just adding "Fire Vehicle" to 357. It might have been an over site but thats how I read it, I could be wrong hell, it wouldn't be the first time lol
I'd say no for your POV and ambulance unless its a fire department ambulance.

HOWEVER, a case could be made with the local village or town justice that:

"To protect volunteer firefighters and other emergency responders by

requiring motorist to reduce speed when approaching and passing

emergency situations on a highway and also to allow for the use of the

blue light for rear projection for all volunteer emergency response

....could apply.

Again as stated, how the judge or local views it is another. If a LEO is writing you a ticket at a scene then there may be more underlying issues. I am sure we will start to see the law morphed for r/b for police and red for emergency services surface similar to what NJ did. Old ways are hard to break in NY.

I've always seen the NY V&T law for volunteer fire chiefs to allow R/W/B front and rear as it is not prohibited by law. They are volunteer firefighters (blue light permitted) and a chief officer (red/white/siren) permitted. Nothing that I have found in the V&T law prohibits the use of blue by a fire chief.

Hell, hatzolah and Westchester county have been using R/B in different combinations for years so...

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