NYS Bailout Equipment


May 23, 2010
Buffalo, NY
Anyone in NY have opinions or experience with the bailout equipment? What is everyone using? Translating the laws I see the main issue is getting the proper NFPA 1983 harness. Thoughts?
I have a harness on my gear, but it's not set up for rapid bailout. I currently have a rescue-8, a few carabiners, and 50' of rope pre-rigged in one of my pants pockets, 30' of webbing tied into a continuous loop via a water knot in the other. I could get off a roof or out a window, but it'd probably take longer than I'd like. I need to start looking for a bailout specific device.
In my volunteer fire department, they are just beginning to issue the RPI Escape System (http://www.allhandsfire.com/RPI-ESCAPE-SYSTEM) to our members. The rope is protected in a sealed pouche and the hook is designed better than the Crosby hook used by many of the other PSS's available. It is a very nicely designed system is very easy to use. It is similar in many aspects to the Petzl EXO system, which is what I have been issued at work (FDNY).

As long as the system is easy to deploy and the hook holds me in place outside of a window, I could care less about anything else. These automatic descending contraptions (Deus 3000) are waste of time and money if you ask me.


What are you looking to use as the harness with that system? For me that seems to be the toughest issue..do you get the integrated system for air pac, do you get full harness (like you guys have in FDNY), or do you get a harness and get bunkers altered with loops.
we bought 12 new Scott 4.5 with lowpro bottles. Along with the packs we speced out all of them to have the Scott RIT system on them. I like them a lot. Takes some training, and after a few times it gets pretty easy to work with.

Be advised. these are one time use systems. In a REAL bailout event, the pack and RIT system must be sent back to Scott for engineering studies. So, if you do this route, make sure your dealer specs you a few extra RIT systems to attach to some old packs to use as "trainers"

we bought 2 extra RIT sets, attached them to our old Scott 2.2s and would jump, repack and rotate through the dept.
fireman57 said:

What are you looking to use as the harness with that system? For me that seems to be the toughest issue..do you get the integrated system for air pac, do you get full harness (like you guys have in FDNY), or do you get a harness and get bunkers altered with loops.

Everyone I know has a Gemtor harness that they were with bunker pants that came with loops that attaches the harness to the pants.
It may be a requirement, but my fire company will not be getting the bailout system for any of our members. Specially since the tallest building in our area, is 2 story! It may be required, but its and expense, we will not be doing!

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