Oakland PD Shoot & Kill Dog Then Leaves note.

Dumb ass cops! If they did that to my dog i think i'd probably shoot that officer!

While the incident is horrible, comments like that are equally bad... :|
rwo978 said:

While the incident is horrible, comments like that are equally bad... :|

I agree, no one knows exactly what happened when the officers got there, the dog may have approached them in a way they felt was threatening. I also agree that leaving a note (and the injured dog) behind was a terrible and unprofessional thing.
another news report that only shows ONE side of the story. I wont pass judgement until the police make a statement about it. About the note, what do you expect them to do? The owners were not home, what would have been appropriate?
TNFF412N said:
another news report that only shows ONE side of the story. I wont pass judgement until the police make a statement about it. About the note, what do you expect them to do? The owners were not home, what would have been appropriate?

You are telling me that a police officer or a dispatcher cannot look up who lives at the residence, and get the appropriate phone number to call in the event of an emergency? (and yes, I feel that this would qualify as an emergency)

While we must remember that the media always slants things, if in fact they just left a note and walked away then shame on them, that is a very distasteful way to do something and is a black eye on their dept. While i would hate being in the same position that the dog's owners are in having two dogs of my own, I think that I would not think twice about shooting someones dog if I felt that it was threatening my life.
ok they are at a house owners are not home, the phone number they look up is most likely going to go to the residence. unless your dispatch has some magic database we cn not get cell numbers unless they are listed, most are not. I think they could have gone to the neighbors and done a little research to find them. I do agree they could have tried just a little bit, try to call the alarm company back and see if they have alt numbers for the home owner. But how do we know they didnt do any of these things?

Lets say they did try to call and still couldnt get in touch with them, what would ahve been the next step?
TNFF412N said:
Lets say they did try to call and still couldnt get in touch with them, what would ahve been the next step?

Um the jack asses could have at least called animal control to take the dogs body away! I've been attacked by a dog before, i had my entire lower lip bit off, later reattached thank gosh, and i almost went blind in one eye because of it, and every time a dog growls at me you don't see me reaching for my glock! From my personal experience pepper spray will usually keep a dog from attacking you.
Fast LT1 said:
Um the jack asses could have at least called animal control to take the dogs body away! I've been attacked by a dog before, i had my entire lower lip bit off, later reattached thank gosh, and i almost went blind in one eye because of it, and every time a dog growls at me you don't see me reaching for my glock! From my personal experience pepper spray will usually keep a dog from attacking you.

You are calling them jack ass's and you havent even heard the otherside of the story. You dont know what the officers did or didnt do. What if they dont hav pepper spray, or animal control for that matter. im saying we need to hear the otherside of the story.....
Fast LT1 said:
Um the jack asses could have at least called animal control to take the dogs body away! I've been attacked by a dog before, i had my entire lower lip bit off, later reattached thank gosh, and i almost went blind in one eye because of it, and every time a dog growls at me you don't see me reaching for my glock! From my personal experience pepper spray will usually keep a dog from attacking you.

Key word there being "usually."

Anything that tried to bite my face off is getting shot. Dog, human, chimp, Terminator, zombie, doesn't matter, that falls into the "death or serious physical harm" category. And I don't know what I'd write in the note, maybe "I shot your dog, please remit $3.75 to the Sheriff's Office to cover the Gold Dots. Have a nice day." Or maybe just leave a death card, like Col. Kilgore in "Apocalypse Now."

Why call animal control? They already have plenty of dead carcasses they can't get rid of.
Fast LT1 said:
Um the jack asses could have at least called animal control to take the dogs body away! I've been attacked by a dog before, i had my entire lower lip bit off, later reattached thank gosh, and i almost went blind in one eye because of it, and every time a dog growls at me you don't see me reaching for my glock! From my personal experience pepper spray will usually keep a dog from attacking you.
I got charged by a pitbull last year and put a round into its open mouth from about 3 feet (only problem was I should have kept firing). Ran another pitbull over in the middle of the street when it charged an old lady walking down the sidewalk. Why do you have to get bit before you can take the appropriate action? We don't let bad guys shoot us before we take action.

Oakland is unlike any place most of us will ever experience. Unless you work (maybe) Detroit, you could never appreciate the hell those officers work in. I know I cannot, and only talking to officers who have creates some understanding of how bad it is. Not knowing the full situation (time of day, lighting, ability to retreat, prior calls to the residence, etc) there is no way to condemn or condone the officers' actions. There is just not enough information. It's unfortunate a dog was killed, and good that no officers were hurt.
There was an incident here a couple of years ago with an acquaintance of mine where a plainclothes process server from the sheriff's office civil division pulled up to a private residence in a rural area with no other homes nearby and was greeted by the family dog. Nothing menacing initially, just barking and keeping a wary eye on the deputy as he exited the car and proceeded to the door. However, once he approached the front porch, the dog became more vocal and even though it was several feet away and not an immediate threat, the deputy was apparently frightened. The armed homeowner came out about that time and saw the deputy reaching for the gun on his hip but did not see any type of badge or other identification on the deputy, so he told him, "if you pull that gun, I'm shooting you". The homeowner was subsequently arrested for threatening the deputy but it was thrown out in open court. The judge admonished the deputy publicly and ordered him to go through additional training on how to deal with such incidents and now the Sheriff has the servers using semi marked cars and wearing polo shirts with a large identifiable embroidered star for their uniforms. Not surprisingly, many people openly agreed with the homeowner's actions in the local newspaper's online comments.
03crownvic said:
There was an incident here a couple of years ago with an acquaintance of mine where a plainclothes process server from the sheriff's office civil division pulled up to a private residence in a rural area with no other homes nearby and was greeted by the family dog.

I took a call at a place where when I pulled up the drive to the home, the family Great Dane came out to meet me. He didn't bark or anything, but jumped up on the door.

His front feet were on the car's roof. :shock:

I just honked the horn until somebody came out and tied him up.
I have never seen an 11 year old dog just run down an old lady on the street. I think this dog was just barking, but like others said there is another side of the story.
I don't know about other places, but I know when I go out to residential alarms that the alarm companies have contact information for the keyholder of the residence. I would at least think that a situation like this would warrant trying to ascertain the homeowners contact information and let them know what happened, as opposed to leaving a note. I have responded to hundreds of alarms, and a lot of those homes had dogs and I have been barked and growled at many times, I have never shot a dog. I wasn't at this scene, and I could monday morning quarterback all day long, but I would be willing to bet that the officer that shot this dog was just a little over zealous and inexperienced. This is such a terrible story and probably could have very easily been avoided.
TNFF412N said:
another news report that only shows ONE side of the story. I wont pass judgement until the police make a statement about it. About the note, what do you expect them to do? The owners were not home, what would have been appropriate?

Remember Oakland is getting like Camden NJ and Newark...a war zone. Plus laying off cops, shortage on the street.......possible a priority call came in, and officers had to clear. Plus they are so busy they can't afford to stand around.

Not the best way to do business, true, but we don't know the entire story.

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