Official Sealed Beam Lightbar Thread ...with poll, post your pics and stories.

Sealed Beam Lightbars

  • TwinSonic

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dietz

    Votes: 34 64.2%
  • Code 3 SD

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SpectraSystem

    Votes: 6 11.3%
  • AeroTwin

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • Code 3 XL

    Votes: 10 18.9%

  • Total voters

mr. awesome

Dec 27, 2010
Queens, NY
on the other forum, there is a thread about which halogen bar was best, and i humbly submitted my vote for one of these timeless classics. only to be trounced by the admittedly fierce and option-heavy MX7000, streethawk and vector.

those bars are incredible both as aids in safety and from an automotive design standpoint, however, they all owe their existance to a very small handful of bars that transformed roofs nationwide, forever.

its up to you, once again, elb... you make the call. what was the BEST sealed beam bar.

Criteria you should think of are options, popularity, design, longevity and of course, share an experience or a picture of your favorite sealed beam bar!!!
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Don't forget about the Federal Model 11 Twin Beacon Ray (Visibar) and the Mars Aurora Borealis!

The Model 11 was the first full-size lightbar system to come out in 1964 and helped pave the way for not just Federal Signal's line of famed lightbars, but other companies as well.

The Aurora Borealis was the first all-oscillating enclosed lightbar to come on the market. It's so unique in it's style and operation that it's one of the most sought after of Mars products today.

Of course, my vote goes for what I got in my own room :D :


Just a suggestion for some other options :thumbsup: . I'm curious to see who'll be the king in this poll:popcorn:.
I have a decked out SpectraSystem, both of the Code-3 SD and the XL both CAL spec., and a Unity Spit Fire w/ cans cross bar. I like them all. :~P
I chose the TwinSonic, because it's the most memorable of my childhood, but the most iconic was the Model 11 Visibar, which I have a picture of me playing with when I was a young kid. I now own one and it brings back a ton of memories from my dad's old "Green Bean" '77 Plymouth Fury police car, the same car which I innocently placed in Neutral and rolled down the hill (our driveway) and into oncoming traffic when I was four years old. My dad was inside at the table and saw the lightbar sail past the kitchen window and the rest was history. LOL

The TwinSonic was mounted on his '86 Crown Victoria police car. It was originally red/red and then was changed to red/blue when Indiana changed their laws. It was a 12x with the mirrors switched to regular model 12 configuration for some reason. That lightbar remained in-service until 1992 when the car was retired and replaced with a 1990 Caprice 9C1. The bar was placed in the town shed and I received it after I offered to clean the shed. The bar by now barely rotated and was in sad shape. It's running good now I just need to finish putting it back together.
Don't forget the highly popular Federal CT-1, with one revolving 184, and a California spec. steady burn / flasher.

I think myself, and Eric are the only two with them.


CFD125 said:
Don't forget the highly popular Federal CT-1, with one revolving 184, and a California spec. steady burn / flasher.

I think myself, and Eric are the only two with them.


fireball3 said:
Oohh my god !!!!! :drooling: :bonk: :stars: :crazy:
I want this! :yes:

Here is the back, with amber flashers:


And another one with all blue and amber flashers:


And an all blue Boston Bar:


CFD125 said:
Here is the back, with amber flashers:

And another one with all blue and amber flashers:


And an all blue Boston Bar:



Newton Police 500 car; Newton upper falls, I bet I played with that light bar when it was mounted on the LTD Crown

Vic back in the early 1990's :) The back of the police station was my "baby sitter" when the ol' man was on the job.

Nice bar Bob.

CFD125 said:
Here is the back, with amber flashers:

And another one with all blue and amber flashers:


And an all blue Boston Bar:



That Newton bar is effing gorgeous. Take good care of her lol
My all-time favourite is the Mars Aurora Borealis light bar.
Admittedly, I was too pressed for time and made a few mistakes in the poll.. I neglected to include the visibar (which isn't fully enclosed, but is a synchronized system) and the AB... Also I forgot sireno. I have sinned.
cyril i was just watching that video on you tube. my vote goes to the XL series lightbar. in terms of lens configuration, rotator design and customisable options, there is no sealed beam lightbar like it!
CFD125 said:
Don't forget the highly popular Federal CT-1, with one revolving 184, and a California spec. steady burn / flasher.

I think myself, and Eric are the only two with them.



That is simply awesome!!!! :hail:
Too bad people don't edit out the images when they quote. No need for images to appear several times on each page.

VisiBar for me. I had one in near perfect condition with clear domes, red and white lamps and two chrome speakers. I know where it was, but I don't know what the Ex did with it.
I know I'm in a minority here, but I still like the early old school Unity Unirack, my father ran in the earlier 1970's !!!

Here is a video.......


Kevin in ND
BackYardSales said:
Too bad people don't edit out the images when they quote. No need for images to appear several times on each page.

I am sorry you don't approve, Beautiful set-ups like that need to be reposted from time to time.

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