Who, me? I never said anything about any manufacturers stuff other than Whelen being garbage. I made the comment about everyone around here using Liberties because it is simply a fact for this area.
The Pinnacle comment was a personal opinion that is based on actual observation, not any type of statistic or theory, and my eyesight is just fine, thank you. I still think they are weak compared to some other manufacturer's LED bars, includng Whelen. I also have opinions of various other LED bars, also based on actual observation, but I'll not get into picking on them now.
It's always a treat to have a newbie come on here and instantly jump into an oldtimer, especially about something so debatable as an opinion. This is a first for it to happen to me though. I guess you know what they say about opinions and a--holes, everybody has one.
BTW, welcome to the board. Where in southern Florida are you located? Maybe we can discuss this further over a brewski......if so, let me know.