OnLine Paramedic/EMT/Fire Courses


May 22, 2010
San Antonio, Texas
So i just finished my EMT-IV course last May and want to get my Paramedic next. I started checking schools around me and because of scheduling i started looking at some online courses.

Has anyone been thru any of these? What do you guys think?
This is a touchy subject for many. Personally, I loathe online classes. Yes, scheduling is easier, but nothing beats being in a classroom interacting with other EMT's to hear the stories, learn tricks, and get to know different ways of getting the job done. One of they guys at work is currently in an online medic program (going on for 2+ years) and he's a suck basic, and I'm scared to see him as a medic. He knows the stuff from the computer, but can't translate it to patient care. Another friend of mine has been in an 'in person' medic program since July. His ALS skills are far superior to the online program, because you're learning by doing, not just reading.

Now I know online programs have a clinical portion as well, but working in the field, in a hands on job, you don't get the skills by sitting in front of a computer. In my opinion, I'd try to go with an 'in person' medic program. And I don't know how true this is, but I was told that the National Registry doesn't certify or recognize online paramedic programs. I have not confirmed this or not, so if I'm wrong, I'll stand corrected.

Two things bug me... online programs (not counting con-ed classes) and people who go from zero to hero (EMT straight to Paramedic) without gaining any BLS experience first. But people can be bad medics from in person classes too and experience... it's all how much effort you put into it to learn as much as you can.
one program you go for 2 weeks to learn your skills, and then 8-9 weeks of clinicals, ambulance ride alongs and so on. As far as i know the ones i have researched are all national registry certified. The one i am really looking at is a non self paced 750 hour online classroom.Once that is complete you go to the school and do a 10 day skills and national registry check off. Once that is complete you have your ride along and clinicalsback at your home. You set up with hospitals and ambulance services here and you get the ALS ride alongs within your area. It is rather pricey. 7,700 dollar. This is the one im really leaning too. It is with the univeristy of Texas health science center in San Antonio Texas. They are a huge and respected health center. I would rather go to a classroom environment as well, but it is just not going to happen, unless i quit my job and go EMS full time, which is a pay cut of 15.00 dollars an hour. Plus my full time job is going to pay for the schooling. So it makes it hard....i think EMS is my calling and this seems to be the logical next step.

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