OPP going back to the 90s !


Veteran Member
Jun 19, 2010
OPP rolling backtime by 20 years !

(Pics courtesy of policecanada.ca)


I do not get it?

You are showing a box body late 80s or early 90s Caprice and a current Charger. Two completely different manufactures of vehicles. Now if it was a 90s Caprice & a Caprice PPV I can understand, but what is this about?
I think previous years were white with decals, does that make me 'down with OPP'?
They had all white cars from about 1990/91 until they changed back a few years ago but again thats like 2 or 3 years ago.....
K9Vic said:
I do not get it?

You are showing a box body late 80s or early 90s Caprice and a current Charger. Two completely different manufactures of vehicles. Now if it was a 90s Caprice & a Caprice PPV I can understand, but what is this about?

Ah,yes;.. Sorry guys...

This is about the paint scheme indeed :

OPP had black cars for decades all the way to the 90s when they went white like the rest of North America (almost!). So the return to B&W scheme is indeed a 20 year stepback. Not an unwelcomed one either if I might add.

(Not sure the bright yellow was OPP... More like Toronto Metro and a bunch of other local depts).
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The OPP switched back to black and white about 5 years ago. They introduced the black and whites, and phased them in as the fleet was replaced. Ministry of Transportation enforcement vehicles were white with a green stripe when I left Ontario 2 years ago.
I drove a beige '90 slicktop, with the killer seatbelt set up. Great car, and quite stealthy. Used to get it trouble for flipping the air cleaner lid, for more perceived horsepower.

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