Troubleshooting chart on page 14 in the online PDF manual for the PA15A 1E points to open capacitor C3. Page 16 of the same manual shows where to locate the faulty capacitor
I'd go to an electronic communications store in your neck of the woods and get a cross reference from the part numbers on the capacitor for a new one. I had a capacitor go bad on my PA-20A 2D, and after going to a local store in Bismarck, the fellow helping me out found the part I needed. Now it's all better .
Radio Shack is not going to have Tantalum caps with that large a uF. It may be tough finding one locally also. I would try re-soldering first and see if that solves your problem. Tantalum's usually will not deform over time like an electrolytic cap will. If not, Mouser has some in stock and will sell one piece for $7.28 + shipping.