Pro Copper Console Question/Help


Veteran Member
May 24, 2010
Oxford, MS
The patrol car I recieved has a Pro Copper Console in it (which im not a fan of)... I have a new flush mount Sound Off 380 siren and some nice stuff to mount in this thing and dont like how it leaves the gaps and screws showing, equipment off set unless they are all the same length and the department isnt going to purchase a new one just because i dont like it.... SO does anyone have any suggestions....? like is there some type of black plastic i can mount over the top of it and secure to the pro-copper console to make it where i can flush mount equipment in it?

It has been a long time since I have fooled with one of those POS consoles. You might be able to get face plates from Jotto, Havis Shield, Etc for the specific equipment you are wanting to mount and go that route.
MPD 818 said:
It has been a long time since I have fooled with one of those POS consoles. You might be able to get face plates from Jotto, Havis Shield, Etc for the specific equipment you are wanting to mount and go that route.

would those actually work with this?
Short answer for both is no.

I have several small departments that seem to think these are great consoles....I've been trying for three plus years to get them to go with a better option, but since most of them still order their lights and gear from Galls (gag), I have my work cut out for me.

In that three years, I haven't found anything that will work and look good. The side do not have enough surface to drill/screw into to without tearing out.
I hate those things, but have a ton of experience adapting stuff to them. First suggestion is to use spare plastic filler plates, drop them down and fasten to them. CenCom sirens (380 Remote mounts similarly) can be a pain with these things.

My other suggestion is to go the route I have considered with the some aluminum 90 degree angle stock from a hardware store or "big box" home-supply store. Cut it to match the length of the Pro-Crapper and then fasten it to the side plate with 1/4x20 bolts through the mounting slots so that it makes a flat, level mounting surface, over hanging the sideplates. You will then have a good platform to mount filler and equipment plates from other manufacturers. Since they are a bit wider than the Pro-Crapper, you may need to cut them to fit, or space the Pro-Crapper side plates out from their mounting points in the plastic console base. Just use the provided plastic spacer washers that Pro-Crapper sends. You can drill and screw the plates into the aluminum angle stock, or use the heavy duty scotch-lock fasteners like Gamber-Johnson uses.

Yes, I said Pro-Crapper.
o C2Installs you just confused the hell out me! lol Someone said to get a piece of plywood and wrap it with that black like cloth stuff and place it in the very top of the console and from the outside drill into it and mount, then you can cut out your spaces i need before mounting it to the "Pro-Crapper" haha

I tell you, ALL of our cars have these, recieved a brand new car this week and it even has one "vomit" I just cant afford to spend my money on a console. I mean i am already running a 8 strobe edge with no HLF no TLF nothing but that bar that has 2 blown strobes to the front so i have to buy some lights on my own because im just a part time guy.
Take some sheet styrene, heat and bend it into an "L" shape. Set it over each side and mark it to conform with the outline of your equipment, then cut that out. Mark the other side so it forms a cover that completely hides the mounting bolt and slots, then cut it out. Secure it on the sides with a couple of screws and then you have a cover for the ugly stuff.

Oh yeah, paint it black.
firetech said:
Take some sheet styrene, heat and bend it into an "L" shape. Set it over each side and mark it to conform with the outline of your equipment, then cut that out. Mark the other side so it forms a cover that completely hides the mounting bolt and slots, then cut it out. Secure it on the sides with a couple of screws and then you have a cover for the ugly stuff.
Oh yeah, paint it black.

thanks alot.. i will see if i can find some styrene
SlickTop Solutions said:
I've been trying for three plus years to get them to go with a better option, but since most of them still order their lights and gear from Galls (gag), I have my work cut out for me.

If you are ever able to talk someone into going a better (and cheaper route), please let me know! My Lt refuses to buy from anywhere else because he hates listening to others. If you have something that he doesn't or is a better version, he will call it stupid, gay (yes, he really said this about my 5.11 jacket), needless, or retarded (was told my double handcuff case looked like a retarded waffle iron).

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